Page 11 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 11

st                    1,92,000             0.8417            1,61,606
                          31  March, 20X8
                           st                    1,20,000             0.7722            92,664
                          31  March, 20X9

                           st                     1,14,000            0.7084            80,758
                          31  March, 20Y0
                                             Total (Value in Use)                      5,88,230

        Calculation of Recoverable amount:

                      Particulars                                                       Amount (Rs)
                      Value in use                                                        5,88,230
                      Fair value less costs of disposal (6,00,000 – 96,000)               5,04,000
                      Recoverable amount                                                  5,88,230
                      (Higher of value in use and fair value less costs of disposal)

        Calculation of Impairment loss:
                               Particulars                                     Amount (Rs)
                               Carrying amount                                   6,60,000
                               Less: Recoverable amount                         (5,88,230)
                               Impairment loss                                    71,770

        Calculation of Revised carrying amount:
                               Particulars                                    Amount (Rs)
                               Carrying amount                                   6,60,000
                               Less: Impairment loss                             (71,770)
                               Revised carrying amount                          5,88,230
        Calculation of Revised Depreciation:
        Revised carrying amount – Residual value

        Remaining life = (5,88,230 - 0) /4 = Rs 1,47,058 per annum
        Set off of Impairment loss:
        The impairment loss of Rs 71,770 must first be set off against any revaluation surplus in relation to the same
        asset. Therefore, the revaluation surplus of Rs 36,000 is eliminated against impairment loss, and the remainder
        of the impairment loss Rs 35,770 (Rs 71,770 – Rs 36,000) is charged to profit and loss.
        Treatment of Government compensation:

        Any compensation by the government would be accounted for as such when it becomes receivable. At this
        time, the government has only stated that it may reimburse the company and therefore credit should not be
        taken for any potential government receipt.

        Q6 (Nov. 20)
        The UK entity with a sterling functional currency has a property located in the US, which was acquired at a
        cost of US$ 1.8 million when the exchange rate was ₤1 = US$ 1.60. The property is carried at cost. At the
        balance sheet date, the recoverable amount of the property (as a result of an impairment review) amounted to

        US$ 1.62 million, when the exchange rate ₤1 = US$ 1.80. Compute the amount which is to be reported in
        Profit & Loss of the UK entity as a result of impairment, if any. Ignore depreciation. Also, analyse the total
        impairment loss on account of change in value due to impairment component and exchange component.
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