Page 14 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 14


        Q8 (Aug.18)

        Great Ltd., acquired a machine on 1st April, 2012 for Rs. 7 crore that had an estimated useful life of 7 years.
        The machine is depreciated on a straight  line basis and does not carry any residual value. On 1st April, 2016,
        the  carrying  value  of  the  machine  was  reassessed  at  Rs.  5.10  crore  and  the  surplus  arising  out  of  the
        revaluation  was  credited  to  revaluation  reserve.  For  the  year  ended  March  2018,  conditions  indicating  an
        impairment of the machine existed and the amount recoverable ascertained to be only Rs. 79 lakhs.

        Calculate the loss on impairment of the machine and show how this loss is to be treated in the books of
        Great Ltd. Great Ltd., had followed the policy of writing down the revaluation surplus by the increased charge
        of depreciation resulting from the revaluation.

                                          Statement Showing Impairment Loss
                                                                                               Rs. in crores
             Carrying amount of the machine as on 1st April, 2012                                  7.00
             Depreciation for 4 years i.e. 2012-2013 to 2015-2016 [7 crores ×4 years / 7 years]    (4.00)
             Carrying amount as on 31.03.2016                                                      3.00
             Add: Upward Revaluation (credited to Revaluation Reserve account)                     2.10
             Carrying amount of the machine as on 1st April 2016 (revalued)                        5.10

             Less: Depreciation for 2 years i.e. 2016-2017 & 2017-2018 [5.10 crores ×2 years/ 3 years]    (3.40)
             Carrying amount as on 31.03.2018                                                      1.70
             Less: Recoverable amount                                                             (0.79)
             Impairment loss                                                                       0.91
             Impairment  loss  set  off  against  revaluation  reserve  balance  as  per  para  58  of  AS  28   (0.70)
             “Impairment of Assets” ( refer W.N 1.)
             Impairment Loss to be debited to profit & loss account                                0.21

        W.N 1.
                                      Balance in revaluation reserve as on 31.03.2018:
                            Balance in revaluation reserve as on 31.03.2016           2.10
                            Less: Enhanced depreciation met from revaluation reserve    (1.40)
                            2016-2017 & 2017-2018 = [(1.70–1.00) x 2 years]
                            Impairment Loss available for set off                     0.70

        Q9 (March19 – 5 Marks)

        X Ltd. purchased a Property, Plant and Equipment four years ago for Rs. 150 lakhs and depreciates it at 10%
        p.a. on the straight line method. At the end of the fourth year, it has revalued the asset at Rs. 75 lakhs and
        has written off the loss on revaluation to the profit and loss account. However, on the date of revaluation, the
        market price is Rs. 67.50 lakhs and expected disposal costs are Rs. 3 lakhs. What will be the treatment in
        respect of impairment loss on the basis that fair value for revaluation purpose is determined by market value

        and the value in use is estimated at Rs. 60 lakhs?

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