Page 12 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
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        Ignoring depreciation, the loss that would be reported in the Profit & Loss as a result of the impairment is
        as follows:
                        *Carrying value at balance sheet date-US$ 16,20,000 @ ₤ 1.8 =    9,00,000
                        Historical cost- US$ 18,00,000 @ ₤ 1.6 =                         11,25,000
                        Impairment loss recognised in profit and loss                       (2,25,000)

                        The components of the impairment loss can be analysed as follows:
                        Change in value due to impairment = US$ 1,80,000# @ ₤ 1.8 =     (1,00,000)
                        Exchange component of change =
                        US$ 18,00,000 @ 1.8 – US$ 18,00,000 @ ₤ 1.6                     (1,25,000)
        * Recoverable Amount being less than cost becomes the Carrying Value.
        # 18,00,000-16,20,000 = 1,80,000

        Q7 (May. 21)
        On 31 March 20X1, Vision Ltd acquired 80% of the equity shares of Mission Ltd for Rs.190 million. The fair

        values of the net assets of Mission Ltd that were included in the consolidated statement of financial position
        of  Vision  Ltd  at  31  March  20X1  were  Rs.200  million.  It  is  the  Group’s  policy  to  value  the  non-controlling
        interest  in  subsidiaries  at  the  date  of  acquisition  at  its  proportionate  share  of  the  fair  value  of  the
        subsidiaries’ identifiable net assets.

        On 31 March 20X4, Vision Ltd carried out its annual review of the goodwill on consolidation of Mission Ltd
        and found evidence of impairment. No impairment had been evident when the reviews were carried out on 31
        March 20X2 and 31 March 20X3. The review involved allocating the assets of Mission Ltd into three cash
        generating units and computing the value in use of each unit. The carrying values of the individual units before
        any impairment adjustments are given below.
                                                         Unit A          Unit B           Unit C
                                                      Rs. in million   Rs. in million   Rs. in million
                   Intangible assets                       30              10               -
                   Property, Plant and Equipment           80              50               60
                   Current Assets                          60              30               40
                                                           170             90              100
                                 Carrying Values           180             66              104

                   Total Value in use of unit

        It was not possible to meaningfully allocate the goodwill on consolidation to the individual cash generating
        units but all the other net assets of Mission  Ltd are allocated in the table shown above.
        The intangible assets of Mission Ltd have no ascertainable market value but all the current assets have a
        market value that is at least equal to their carrying value. The value in use of Mission Ltd as a single cash-

        generating unit on 31 March 20X4 is Rs.350 million.
        Discuss and compute the accounting treatment of impairment of goodwill as per Ind AS 36?

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