Page 13 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 13


        The goodwill on consolidation of Mission Ltd that is recognized in the consolidated balance sheet of Vision Ltd
        is Rs. 30 million (Rs.190 million – 80% x Rs.200 million). This can only be reviewed for impairment as part of
        the cash generating units to which it relates.  Since here the goodwill cannot be meaningfully allocated to the
        units, the impairment review is done in two parts.

        Units A and C have values in use that are more than their carrying values. However, the value in use of Unit
        B is less than its carrying amount. This means that the assets of unit B are impaired by Rs. 24 million (Rs.
        90 million – Rs.66 million). This impairment loss will be charged to the statement of profit and loss.
        Assets of Unit B will be written down on a pro-rata basis as shown in the table:
                                                                                    (Rs. in million)

                                 Asset                             Impact on carrying value
                                                           Existing    Impairment       Revised
               Intangible assets                              10          (4)#             6
               Property, plant and Equipment                 50         (20)##             30
               Current assets                                30           Nil*             30
               Total                                         90           (24)             66
        * The current assets are not impaired because they are expected to realize at least their carrying value when
        disposed of.
        # 24*10/60 = 4
        ## 24*50/60 = 20

        Following this review, the three units plus the goodwill are reviewed together i.e. treating Mission Limited as a
        single cash generating Unit. The impact of this is shown in the following table, given that the recoverable
        amount of the business as a whole is Rs.350 million:
                                                                                           Rs. in million
                         Component                     Impact of impairment review on carrying value
                                                       Existing          Impairment         Revised

               Goodwill (see note below)                37.50             23.50)             14.00
               Unit A                                   170.00              Nil             170.00
               Unit B (revised)                        66.00                Nil             66.00
               Unit C                                  100.00               Nil             100.00
               Total                                   373.50             (23.50)           350.00
        Note: As per Ind AS 36, given that the subsidiary is 80% owned the goodwill must first be grossed up to
        reflect  a  notional  100%  investment.  Therefore,  the  goodwill  will  be  grossed  up  to  Rs.37.50  million  (Rs.30
        million x 100/80).
        The impairment loss of Rs.23.50 million (373.50-350) is all allocated to goodwill, leaving the carrying values
        of the individual units of the business as shown in the table immediately above.

        The table shows that the notional goodwill that relates to a 100% interest is written down by Rs.23.50 million
        to Rs.14.00 million. However, in the consolidated financial statements the goodwill that is recognized is based
        on an 80% interest so the loss that is actually recognized is Rs.18.80 million (Rs.23.50 million x 80%) and
        the  closing  consolidated goodwill figure  is  Rs.11.20  million (Rs. 14.00  million  x  80%)  or  (Rs.30p–  Rs.18.80


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