Page 11 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 11

Working Notes:

                1.  Calculating PV of lease payments, less lease incentive:
                           Year    Lease Payment (A)    Present value factor   Present value of lease
                                                          @ 9.04% (B)         payments (A x B=C)

                          Year 1        5,00,000               1                   5,00,000
                          Year 2        3,15,000              0.92                 2,89,800

                          Year 3        5,30,450              0.84                 4,45,578
                          Year 4        5,46,364              0.77                 4,20,700
                          Year 5        5,62,754              0.71                 3,99,555
                          Year 6        5,79,637              0.65                 3,76,764

                          Year 7        5,97,026              0.59                 3,52,245
                          Year 8        6,14,937              0.55                 3,38,215

                          Year 9       6,33,385               0.50                 3,16,693
                          Year 10       6,52,387              0.46                 3,00,098
                           Total                                                  37,39,648

                2.  Calculating PV of purchase option at end of lease term:

                            Year    Payment on purchase  Present value factor @  Present value of purchase
                                         option (A)        9.04% (B)         option (A x B=C)
                           Year 10       30,00,000            0.42               12,60,000

                            Total                                                12,60,000
        The discount rate for year 10 is different in the above calculations because in the earlier one its beginning of year 10 and in

        the later one its end of the year 10.

        Q8 (MTP May 21 – 10 Marks)

        Buildings Limited entered into a 10-year lease for 6,000 square meter of office space. The annual lease payments

        are Rs. 60,000 payables at the end of each year.  The interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily
        determined.  Buildings  Limited's  incremental  borrowing  rate  at  the  commencement  date  is  8%  p.a.  At  the
        beginning of 6  year, Buildings Limited and lessor agree to amend the original lease to reduce the space to only
        3,000 square meters of the original space starting from the end of the first quarter of year 6. The annual fixed
        lease payments (from year 6 to year 10) are Rs. 35,000. Buildings Limited's incremental borrowing rate at the
        beginning of year 6 is 6% p.a.
        The CFO of the Company has requested your suggestion on how to account for the modification in the lease of

        office space? Prepare the detailed working for the modification.

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