Page 10 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 10

Journal entry to recognize gain/loss
                                 Bond (Rs 47,700 – Rs 40,000)  Dr.        7,700

                                 Bank (Interest received)    Dr.          2,65
                                     To Interest Income (P & L)                    4,200

                                     To Exchange gain (P & L)                      5,300
                                     To OCI (fair value gain)                        855

        Q6 (RTP - May 20 & MTP March 21 – 5 Marks)
        XYZ issued Rs 4,80,000 4% redeemable preference shares on 1st April 20X5 at par. Interest is paid annually
        in arrears, the first payment of interest amounting Rs 19,200 was made on 31st March 20X6 and it is debited

        directly to retained earnings by the accountant. The preference shares are redeemable for a cash amount of Rs
        7,20,000 on 31st March 20X8. The effective rate of interest on the redeemable preference shares is 18% per
        annum. The proceeds of the issue have been recorded within equity by the accountant as this reflects the
        legal nature of the shares. Board of directors intends to issue new equity shares over the next two years to

        build up cash resources to redeem the preference shares.
        Mukesh, Accounts manager of XYZ has been told to review the accounting of aforesaid issues. CFO has asked
        from Mukesh the closing balance of preference shares at the year end. If you were Mukesh, then how much
        balance you would have shown to CFO on analysis of the stated issue. Prepare necessary adjusting journal
        entry in the books of account, if required.

        The preference shares provide the holder with the right to receive a predetermined amount of annual dividend
        out of profits of the company, together with a fixed amount on redemption.

        Whilst the legal form is equity, the shares are in substance debt. The fixed level of dividend is interest and
        the redemption amount is equivalent to the repayment of a loan.
        Under  Ind  AS  32  ‘Financial  Instruments:  Presentation’  these  instruments  should  be  classified  as  financial
        liabilities because there is a contractual obligation to deliver cash. The preference shares should be accounted
        for at amortised cost using the effective interest rate of 18%.

                         Year       1 April, 20X5 Rs  Interest @18%   Paid at 4%     31 March, 20X6
                                                          Rs             Rs               Rs
                      20X5-20X6         480,000         86,400         (19,200)         547,200

        Accordingly, the closing balance of Preference shares at year end i.e. 31st March, 20X6 would be Rs 5,47,200.
        Accountant has inadvertently debited interest of Rs 19,200 in the profit and loss. However, the interest of Rs
        86,400 should have been debited to profit and loss as finance charge.
        Similarly, amount of Rs 5,47,200 should be included in borrowings (non-current liabilities) and consequently,
        Equity should be reduced by Rs 480,000 proceeds of issue and Rs 67,200 (86,400  – 19,200) i.e. total by

        Necessary adjusting journal entry to rectify the books of accounts will be:
                                                                             Rs         Rs        Remarks
              Preference share capital (equity) (Balance sheet) Dr.       4,80,000

              Finance costs (Profit and loss)                       Dr.    86,400                actual cost
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