Page 11 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 11

Journal Entry on the date of transition
                                        Particulars                    Debt (Rs.)     Credit (Rs.)
                       Provisions                               Dr.      30,000
                              To Retained earnings                                       30,000

        Issue 5: Intangible assets:
                         Accounting Standards               Ind AS                   Impact on
                          (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                     company’s financial
                       The  useful  life  of  an  The  useful  life  of  an  intangible  Consequently,  there
                       intangible  asset  cannot  be  asset like brand/trademark can be  would  be  no  impact
                       indefinite   under   IGAAP  indefinite.  Not  required  to  be  as  on  the  date  of
                       principles.  The  Company  amortised  to  be  amortised  and  transition  since  the
                       amortised brand/ trademark  only tested for impairment.   company  intends  to
                       on  a  straight-line  basis  Company can avail the exemption  use   the   carrying
                       over a maximum of 10 years  given  in  Ind  AS  101  as  on  the  amount  instead  of
                       as per AS 26.             date  of  transition  to  use  the  book  value  at  the
                                                 carrying  value  as  per  previous  date of transition.

        Issue 6: Deferred tax
                          Accounting Standards             Ind AS            Impact on company’s
                           (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                  financial statements
                       As per AS, deferred taxes are  As  per  Ind  AS,  deferred  On  the  date  of  transition
                       accounted  as  per  income  taxes are accounted as per  to  Ind  AS,  deferred  tax
                       statement approach         balance sheet approach.   liability would be increased
                                                                           by Rs. 25,000.

                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition
                                       Particulars                    Debt (Rs.)      Credit (Rs.)
                       Retained earnings                      Dr.       25,000
                              To Deferred tax liability                                  25,000

        Q6. (Nov 21)

        While preparing an opening balance sheet on the date of transition, an entity is required to:
        (a) recognise all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by Ind AS;
        (b) reclassify  items  that  it  recognised  in  accordance  with  previous  GAAP  as  one  type  of  asset,  liability  or
            component of equity, but are a different type of asset, liability or component of equity in accordance with

            Ind AS; and
        (c) apply Ind AS in measuring all recognised assets and liabilities. Give examples for each of the above 4

        The examples of the items that an entity may need to recognise, derecognise, remeasure, reclassify on the
        date of transition are as under:
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