Page 10 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 10

convertible  debentures  into  debt  and  equity  portion  on  the  date  of  transition.  Accordingly,  we  will  first
        measure  the  liability  component  by  discounting  the  contractually  determined  stream  of  future  cash  flows
        (interest and principal) to present value by using the discount rate of 10% p.a. (being the market interest

        rate for similar debentures with no conversion option).
                      Interest payments p.a. on each debenture                                6
                      Present Value (PV) of interest payment for years 1 to 4                19.02
                      (6 X 3.17) (Note 1)

                      PV of principal repayment (including premium) 110 X 0.68 (Note 2)     74.80
                      Total liability component per debenture                               93.82
                      Equity component per debenture (Balancing figure)                      6.18
                      Face value of debentures                                              100.00
                      Total equity component for 30,000 debentures                         1,85,400

                      Total debt amount (30,000 x 93.82)                                   28,14,600

        Thus, on the date of initial recognition, the amount of Rs. 30,00,000 being the amount of debentures will be
        split as under:
                         Debt                                                        Rs. 28,14,600

                         Equity                                                       Rs. 1,85,400
        However, on the date of transition, unwinding of Rs. 28,14,600 will be done for two years as follows:

        Therefore, on transition date, S Ltd. shall –

        a.  recognise the carrying amount of convertible debentures at Rs. 30,27,666;
        b.  recognise equity component of compound financial instrument of Rs. 1,85,400;
        c.   debit Rs. 63,066 to retained earnings being the difference between the previous GAAP amount of Rs.
             31,50,000  and  Rs.  30,27,666  and  the  equity  component  of  compound  financial  instrument  of  Rs.
             1,85,400; and
        d.  derecognise the debenture liability in previous GAAP of Rs. 31,50,000.

        1.  3.17 is present value of annuity factor of Rs. 1 at a discount rate of 10% for 4 years.
        2.  On maturity, Rs. 110 will be paid (Rs. 100 as principal payment + Rs. 10 as premium)

        Solution 4

        (a) Assessment of applicability of Ind AS 38 in the given scenario
        As per Ind AS 38, to be an intangible asset the asset should meet following criteria:
             Identifiability;
             Control over a Resource (Asset); and

             Existence of Future Economic Benefits.
        Crystal Systems Limited manages and controls the application software available on a cloud infrastructure
        and New Age Technology Limited has limited rights to use the same. Merel y right to access the application
        of  Crystal  Systems  Limited,  does  not  give New  Age  Technology  Limited  power  to  obtain  future  economic

        benefits flowing from the software itself. Hence, the application software should not be recognised as an

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