Page 11 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 11

asset under Ind AS 38.
        Assessment of applicability of Ind AS 116 in the given scenario
        At the inception of a contract, an entity shall assess whether the contract is or contains a lease. For the

        purpose, a lease is defined as a contract, or part of a contract that conveys the right to control the use of
        an  identified  asset  for  a  period  of  time  in  exchange  for  consideration.  This  right  to  control  the  asset
        throughout the period of use is emphasized ONLY if the customer has both (i) right to obtain substantially
        all the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and (ii) the right to direct the use of the
        identified asset.

        In the given case, the contract gives the New Age Technology Limited only the right to access the Crystal
        Systems  Limited’s  application  software  over  the  contract  term,  and  hence  the  contract  is  not  a  lease
        contract within the meaning of Ind AS 116.
        The right to access the Crystal Systems Limited’s application software for a price over a specified period is a

        service contract. If the Crystal Systems Limited pays amounts for which the services are yet to be received,
        then the advance payment is a prepayment and an asset for the Crystal Systems Limited.

        (b)  As per para 81 of Ind AS 115
        -    a customer receives a discount for purchasing a bundle of goods or services if the sum of the stand-
             alone  selling  prices  of  those  promised  goods  or  services  in  the  contract  exceeds  the  promised

             consideration in a contract.
        -    except when an entity has observable evidence in accordance with paragraph 82 that the entire discount

             relates to only one or more, but not all, performance obligations in a contract, the entity shall allocate a
             discount proportionately to all performance obligations in the contract.
        -    the  proportionate  allocation  of  the  discount  in  those  circumstances  is  a  consequence  of  the  entity

             allocating the transaction price to each performance obligation on the basis of the relative stand-alone
             selling prices of the underlying distinct goods or services.

        Amount to be recognised:
        In this case, there are two separately identifiable performance obligations one being sale of the equipment

        and second being maintenance contract for three years.
        For recognition of revenue, relative stand-alone selling price of the individual components may be taken and
        the consideration allocated in proportion of relative fair values, i.e. 4,85,500: 37,500* (i.e. 12,500 x 3). Hence,
        the  sale  of  equipment  should  be  recognised  at  Rs.  4,64,149  [Rs.  5,00,000  x  {4,85,500  /  (4,85,500  +
        37,500)}]  when  all  other  conditions  for  sale  of  the  equipment  are  fulfilled  and  the  revenue  from

        maintenance services of Rs. 35,851 [Rs. 5,00,000 x {37,500 / (4,85,500 + 37,500)}] should be the service
        revenue recognised over a period of three years as per its stage of completion.

        (c)  Number of SARs = 80 Employees x 500 SARs = 40,000 SARs

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