Page 100 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 100

Job Rotation- Staff duties should be rotated from time to time so that members do not
                               perform the same function for a considerable length of time.
                                Leave-Every member of the staff should be encouraged to go on leave at least once a year.
                                Segregation of Duties- Persons having physical custody of assets must not be permitted
                               to have access to the books of accounts.
                                Accounting  Control-There should exist an accounting control in respect of each class of
                               assets, in addition, there should be periodical inspection so as to establish their physical
                                Cash Control- Mechanical devices should be used, where ever practicable to prevent loss
                               or misappropriation of cash.
                                Inventory Control- For inventory taking, at the close of the year, trading activities should,
                               if possible be suspended, and it should be done by staff belonging to several sections of the
                                Record Control-Procedures should be laid down for periodical verification and testing of
                               different sections of accounting records to ensure that they are accurate

                     ➢  Division of work
                        Company has not done proper division of work as:
                                the receipts of cash should not be handled by the official handling sales ledger.
                                delivery challans should be verified by an authorised official other than the officer handling
                               despatch of goods.

                 Case Discussion & Conclusion
                     ➢  In the given case of Modest Hospital, the person-in-charge of inventory inflow and outflow from the
                        store house is also responsible for purchases and maintaining inventory records. Thus, one of the
                        basic system of control i.e. internal check which includes segregation of duties or maker and checker
                        has been violated where transaction processing are allocated to different persons in such a manner
                        that no one person can carry through the completion of a transaction from start to finish or the work
                        of one person is made complimentary to the work of another person.
                 Author’s Note
                 The above answer can be considered as one of the master answer w.r.t internal control system. Student

                 are not always required to write the entire answer. They should see what specifically has been asked in
                 the question before writing the answer

                 Internal Controls (Multiple Location   Old Course – (N11E, M16R, M16M, N16M, PM17, N17M, N18M)
        QNO      Business)
        174.000                                                                            New Course – (SM23)
                 TITANIUM CNO—Unique
                 Funtoosh Ltd has five entertainment centres to provide recreational facilities for public especially for
                 children and youngsters at five different locations in the peripheral of 250 kilometres Collections are made
                 in cash Specify the adequate internal control system towards collection of money.


                 Y Ltd has five entertainment centres to provide frivolous facilities for public especially for children and
                 youngsters at 5 different locations in the peripheral of 200 kms Collections are made in cash Specify the

                 adequate control system towards collection of money.

                     ➢  Internal Control System:

                                                      PARAM                               4.17 | P a g e
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