Page 99 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 99

▪  Meet  with  the  company's  Purchase  officer  and  obtain  responses  to  our  inquiries  regarding  the
                    purchases made without purchase orders.

                  ▪  Discuss the summary of such issues with the client.

                 Internal Check           Old Course – (M08R, N13E, M14E, N15E, N16M, N16E, PM17, N17R, N17M,
        QNO      TITANIUM CNO—MRI.480                      M18M, N18M, N19R, N19M, M20R, SM21, SM20,M22M)
                                                                                         New Course – (SM23)

                 New  Life  Hospital  is  a  multi-speciality  hospital  which  has  been  facing  a  lot  of  pilferage  and  troubles
                 regarding their inventory maintenance and control. On investigation into the matter it was found that the
                 person in charge of inventory inflow and outflow from the store house is also responsible for purchases
                 and maintaining inventory records.
                 According  to  you,  which  basis  system  of  control  has  been  violated?  Also  advise  the  other  general
                 conditions pertaining to such system which needs to be maintained and checked by the management.
                  State the considerations on which effectiveness of an efficient system of internal check depends.
                  Write a short note on Objectives of Internal Check System

                 BSF  Limited  is  engaged  in  the  business  of  trading  leather  goods.  You  are  the  internal  auditor  of  the
                 company  for  the  year  2018-19.  In  order  to  review  internal  controls  of  the  sales  department  of  the
                 company, you visited the department and noticed the work division as follows:
                 (1) An officer was handling the sales ledger and cash receipts.
                 (2) Another official was handling dispatch of goods and issuance of Delivery challans.
                 (3) One more officer was there to handle customer/ debtor accounts and issue of receipts.
                     a)  As an internal auditor you are required to briefly discuss the general condition pertaining to the
                        internal check system.
                     b)  Do you think that there was proper division of work? If not, why?

        Answer       ➢  Basic system of Control:
                        Internal Checks and Internal Audit are important constituents of Controls. Internal Check means

                        check on day to day transactions operating continuously as a part of routine system in which work
                        done by one person can be checked by others.

                     ➢  Objectives of the Internal Check System:
                                To detect error and frauds with ease.
                                To avoid and minimize the possibility of commission of errors and fraud by any staff.
                                To increase the efficiency of the staff working within the organization
                                To locate the responsibility area or the stages where actual fraud and error occurs.
                                To protect the integrity of the business by ensuring that accounts are always subject to
                               proper scrutiny and check
                                To prevent and avoid the misappropriation or embezzlement of cash and falsification of

                     ➢  General Condition:
                        The general condition pertaining to the internal check system may be summarized as under-
                                No  Single  Control- No single person should have complete control over any important
                               aspect of the business operation. Every employee’s action should come under the review
                               of another person
                                Distribution of Power- The financial and administrative powers should be distributed very
                               judiciously among different officers and the manner in which those are actually exercised
                               should be reviewed periodically.
                                Budgetary Control- Budgetary control should be exercised and wide deviations observed
                               should be reconciled.

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