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financial  information  of  the  component(s)  is  suitable  and  appropriate  for  the
                                      purposes of consolidation.

                                      A component may alternatively prepare financial statements on the basis of the
                                      parent’s accounting policies, as outlined in the group accounting manual.

                                      Group accounting manual would normally contain all accounting policies, including
                                      relevant disclosure requirements, which are consistent with the requirements of
                                      the financial reporting framework under which the group’s consolidated financial
                                      statements are prepared. The local component auditor can then audit and issue an
                                      audit report on the components financial statements prepared in accordance with
                                      “group accounting policies”.

                                      When  applying  this  approach  of,  the  principal/parent  auditors  should  perform
                                      procedures necessary to determine compliance of the group accounting policies
                                      with the GAAP applicable to the parent’s financial statements.
                                      This  ensures  that  the  information  will  be  directly  usable  and  relevant  for  the
                                      preparation of CFS by the parent entity, eliminating the need for auditing by the
                                      auditor,  the  differences  between  the  basis  used  for  the  component’s  financial
                                      statements and that of the consolidated financial statements.

                                      The Principal auditor can then decide whether or not to rely on the components’
                                      audit report and make reference to it in the auditor’s report on the consolidated
                                      financial statements.
                    (d) Auditing      Audits  of  FST,  including  CFS,  are  performed  under  auditing  standards  generally
                       Framework      accepted in India (“Indian GAAS”). In order to maintain consistency of the auditing
                       used by        framework  and  to  enable  the  parent  auditor  to  rely  and  refer  to  the  other
                       component      auditor’s audit report in their audit report on the CFS, the components’ FST should
                       auditor is     also be audited under a framework that corresponds to Indian GAAS.
                       different from
                    (e) Financial     Where  the  FST  of  one  or more  components  continue  to remain  unaudited, the
                       Statements of   auditor reporting on the CFS should consider unaudited components in evaluating
                       component not  a possible modification to his report on the CFS.
                                      The  auditor  should  evaluate  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  factors  on  the
                                      possible  effect  of  such  amounts  remaining  unaudited  when  reporting  on  the
                                      consolidated  financial  statements  using  the  guidance  provided  in  SA  705,
                                      “Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report”.

          QNO     Draft OMP For Subsidiaries Audited by Other Auditor                     New Course – (SM23)
          443.020 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                  CA.MV Chitale is auditor of consolidated financial statements of “D and D Limited” for year 2022-23. The
                  consolidated  financial  statements  consist  of  financial  statements  and  financial  information  of  8
                  subsidiaries  audited  by  other  auditors.  Such  financial  statements,  financial  information  and  auditor’s
                  reports of subsidiaries have been furnished by management of the “D and D Limited” to him. Following
                  further information is also available in respect of these 8 subsidiaries for year 2022-23: -

                  Total assets                                                        ₹ 1500 crore
                  Total revenues                                                  ₹ 1000 crore
                  Net cash outflows                                            ₹ 10 crore

                  Two of these subsidiaries are located outside India whose financial statements have been prepared in
                  accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in their respective countries and which have
                  been audited by other auditors under generally accepted auditing standards applicable in their respective

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