Page 297 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 297

➢  The ceiling on quantum of public deposits has been linked to its credit rating as given by an
                           approved  credit  rating  agency.  In  the  event  of  a  upgrading/downgrading  of  credit  rating,
                           the  auditor  should  bear  in  mind  that  the  NBFC  will  have  to  increase/reduce  its  public
                           deposits in accordance with the revised credit rating assigned to it within a specified time
                           frame and should ensure that the NBFC has informed about the same to the RBI inwriting.

                      ➢  In the event of downgrading of credit rating below the minimum specified investment grade,
                         a non-banking financial company, being an investment and credit company or a factor, shall
                         regularise the excess deposit as provided hereunder:
                           •  With  immediate  effect,  stop  accepting  fresh  public  deposits  and  renewing  existing
                           •  all existing deposits shall run off to maturity; and
                           •  report the position within 15 working days, to the concerned Regional Office of the RBI
                              where the NBFC is registered.
                           •  No matured public deposit shall be renewed without the express and voluntary consent
                              of the depositor.

          QNO     Investment Co (Audit)-                           Old Course – (M08R, N15E, SM17, N18R, M19M)
          517.000  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.240
                  You are appointed as the auditor of a NBFC which an Investment company is registered with RBI. What

                  shall be the special points to be covered for the audit of NBFC in case of Investment companies?
          Answer  INVESTMENT COMPANIES: -
                  (Buying & Selling)
                       ➢  Verify  the  Board  Minutes  for  purchase  and  sale  of  investments.  Ascertain  from  the  Board
                           resolution or obtain a management certificate to the effect that the investments so acquired are
                           current investments or Long-Term Investments.
                       ➢  Test check bills/contract notes received from brokers with reference to the prices vis-à-vis the
                           stock market quotations on the respective dates.

                  (Conditions while Purchasing)
                       ➢  NBFC Prudential Norms stipulates that NBFCs should not lend more than 15% of its Owned funds
                           to any single borrower and not more than 25% to any single group of borrowers. The ceiling on
                           investments in shares by a NBFC in a single entity and the aggregate of investments in a single
                           group of entities has been fixed at 15% and 25% respectively. Moreover, a composite limit of
                           credit to and investments in a single entity/group of entities has been fixed at 25% and 40%
                           respectively of the owned fund of the concerned NBFC. Verify that the credit facilities extended,
                           and investments made by the concerned NBFC are in accordance with the prescribed ceiling.
                       ➢  Obtain a list of subsidiary/group companies from the management and verify the investments
                           made in subsidiary/group companies during the year. Ascertain the basis for arriving at the price
                           paid for the acquisition of such shares.
                       ➢  Check  whether  investments  in  unquoted  debentures/bonds  have  not  been  treated  as
                           investments but as term loans or other credit facilities for the purposes of income recognition
                           and asset classification.
                       ➢  Verify  that  securities  of  the  same  type  or  class  are  received  back  by  the  lender/paid  by  the
                           borrower  at the end  of  the  specified  period  together with  all  corporate  benefits thereof (i.e.
                           dividends, rights, bonus, interest or any other rights or benefit accruing thereon.)

                  (Verification / Confirmation / Valuation)
                       ➢  Physically verify all the shares and securities held by a NBFC. Where any security is lodged with
                           an institution or a bank, a certificate from the bank/institution to that effect must be verified.
                       ➢  In  respect  of  shares/securities  held  through  a  depository,  obtain  a  confirmation  from  the
                           depository regarding the shares/securities held by it on behalf of the NBFC.
                       ➢  Check  whether  the  investments  have  been  valued  in  accordance  with  the  NBFC  Prudential
                           Norms Directions  and  adequate  provision  for  fall  in the  market  value  of  securities,  wherever
                           applicable, have been made there against, as required by the Directions.
                       ➢  An  auditor  will  have  to  ascertain  whether  the  requirements  of  AS  13  “Accounting  for

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