Page 16 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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Rs.1,00,000 The Company had a non-integral foreign branch in accordance with AS 11 and had recognised a
        balance of Rs. 1,00,000 as part of reserves. On first-time adoption of Ind AS, the Company intends to avail
        Ind AS 101 exemption of resetting the cumulative translation difference to zero.

        1.  Property, plant and equipment: As the land held for capital appreciation purposes qualifies as investment

            property, such investment property should be reclassified from property, plant and equipment (PPE) to
            investment property and presented separately. As the Company has adopted the previous GAAP carrying
            values as deemed cost, all items of PPE and investment property should be carried at its previous GAAP
            carrying values. As such, the past capitalised exchange differences require no adjustment in this case.
        2.  Investment in subsidiary: On first time adoption of Ind AS, a parent company has an option to carry its

            investment in the subsidiary at fair value as at the date of transition in its separate financial statements.
            As such, the company can recognise such investment at a value of Rs. 68,00,000.
        3.  Financial instruments: As the deferral loan is a financial liability under Ind AS 109, that liability should
            be  recognised  at  its  present  value  discounted  at  an  appropriate  discounting  factor.  Consequently,  the
            deferral loan should be recognised at Rs. 37,25,528 and the remaining Rs. 22,74,472 would be recognised
            as deferred government grant.

        4.  ESOPs: Ind AS 101 provides an exemption of not restating the accounting as per the previous GAAP in
            accordance with Ind AS 102 for all options that have vested by the transition date. Accordingly, out of
            1000  ESOPs  granted,  the  first-time  adoption  exemption  is  available  on  800  options  that  have  already
            vested. As such, its accounting need not be restated. However, the 200 options that are not vested as at

            the transition date, need to be restated in accordance with Ind AS 102. As such, the additional impact of
            Rs. 1,000 (i.e., 9,000 less 8,000) would be recognised in the opening Ind AS balance sheet.
        5.  Cumulative  translation  difference:  As  per  Ind  AS  101,  the  first-time  adopter  can  avail  an
            exemption regarding requirements of Ind AS 21 in context of cumulative translation differences. If

            a  first-time  adopter  uses  this  exemption  the  cumulative  translation  differences  for  all  foreign
            operations  are  deemed  to  be  zero  as  at  the  transition  date.  In  that  case,  the  balance  is

            transferred to retained earnings. As such, the balance of Rs. 1,00,000 should be transferred to
            retained earnings.
        6.  Retained earnings should be increased by Rs. 20,99,000 on account of the following:

                      Increase in fair value of investment in subsidiary (note 2)        20,00,000
                      Additional ESOP charge on unvested options (note 4)                 (1,000)
                      Transfer  of  cumulative  translation  difference  balance  to  retained
                      earnings (note 5)                                                  1,00,000
                      Increase in Retained Earnings                                      20,99,000
        After the above adjustments, the carrying values of assets and liabilities for the purpose of opening Ind AS
        balance sheet of Company H should be as under:
                            Particular                Notes      Previous      Adjustments     Ind AS GAAP

             Non-Current Assets
             Property, plant   and equipment            1       1,34,50,000     (4,50,000)      1,30,00,000
             Investment property                        1           0            4,50,000        4,50,000
             Investment in S Ltd.                       2        48,00,000       20,00,000       68,00,000
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