Page 17 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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Advances for purchase of inventory                  50,00,000                       50,00,000
             Current Assets
             Debtors                                             2,00,000                        2,00,000

             Inventory                                           8,00,000                        8,00,000
             Cash                                                 49,000                          49,000
             Total assets                                       2,42,99,000      20,00,000      2,62,99,000
             Non-current Liabilities
             Deferral loan                              3        60,00,000      (22,74,472)      37,25,528

             Deferred   government Grant                3           0            22,74,472       22,74,472
             Current Liabilities
             Creditors                                           30,00,000                       30,00,000
             Short term borrowing                                8,00,000                        8,00,000
             Provisions                                          12,00,000                       12,00,000

             Total liabilities                                  1,10,00,000                      1,10,00,000
             Share capital                                      1,30,00,000                     1,30,00,000
             Cumulative translation difference          5        1,00,000        (1,00,000)         0
             ESOP reserve                               4         20,000           1,000          21,000

             Other reserves                             6        1,79,000        20,99,000       22,78,000
             Total equity                                       1,32,99,000      20,00,000      1,52,99,000
             Total equity and liabilities                       2,42,99,000      20,00,000      2,62,99,000

        Q10 (October 20 – 20 Marks)

        Shaurya Limited is the company having its registered and corporate office at New Delhi. 60% of the Shaurya
        Limited’s shares are held by the Government of India and the rest by other investors.
        This is the first time that Shaurya limited would be applying Ind AS for the preparation of its financials for
        the  current  financial  year  2019-2020.  Following  balance  sheet  is  prepared  as  per  earlier  GAAP  as  at  the
        beginning of the preceding period along with the additional information:

                                       Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2018
                              (All figures are in ’000, unless otherwise specified)
                                                 Particulars                                Amount
                    EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                    (1)  Shareholders’ Funds
                        (a)  Share Capital                                                 10,00,000
                        (b)  Reserves & Surplus                                            25,00,000
                    (2)  Non-Current Liabilities
                        (a)  Long Term Borrowings                                           4,50,000
                        (b)  Long Term Provisions                                          3,50,000

                        (c)  Deferred tax liabilities                                      3,50,000
                    (3)  Current Liabilities
                        (a)  Trade Payables                                                22,00,000
                        (b)  Other Current Liabilities                                      4,50,000
                        (c)  Short Term Provisions                                         12,00,000
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