Page 14 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 14


        Q8 (April 18)
        X Ltd. has a subsidiary Y Ltd. on first time adoption of IND AS by Y Ltd., it availed the optional exemption

        of the non-restating its past business combinations. However, X Ld. In its consolidated financial statement
        has decided to restate all its past business combinations.
        Whether the amounts recorded by subsidiary need to be adjusted while preparing the consolidated statement
        of X Ltd. considering that X Ltd. dopes not avail the business combination exemption?
        Will the answer be different if X Ltd. adopts Ind AS after Y Ltd.

        As per para C1 od Appendix C of ind AS 101, a first-time adopter may elect not to apply the ind AS 103

        retrospectively  to  past  business  combinations  (business  combinations  that  occurred  before  the  date  of
        transition to Ind AS). However, it is a first time adopter restates any business combination to comply with
        the Ind AS 103, it shall restate all later business combination and shall also apply Ind AS 110 from that same
        Based on the above, if X Ltd. restates past business combinations, it would have to be applied to all business
        combinations  of  the  group  including  those  by  subsidiary  Y  Ltd.  for  the  proposer  of  Consolidated  Financial

        Para D17 of the Appendix D of Ind as 101 states that if an entity becomes a first-time adopter later than its
        subsidiary  at  the  same  carrying  amounts  as  in  financial  statement  of  the  subsidiary,  after  adjusting  for
        consolidation and equity accounting adjustments and for the effects of the business combination in which the

        entity acquired the subsidiary. Thus, in case where the parent adopts Ind AS later than the subsidiary then it
        does not change the amounts already recognised by the subsidiary.

        Q9 (October 19 – 15 Marks)

        H Ltd. has the following assets  and liabilities as at March 31, 20X1, prepared in accordance with previous
                                          Particulars                        Notes      Amount (Rs.)

                     Property, Plant and Equipment                             1         1,34,50,000
                     Investments in S. Ltd.                                    2          48,00,000
                     Debtors                                                              2,00,000
                     Advances for purchase of inventory                                   50,00,000
                     Inventory                                                            8,00,000
                     Cash                                                                  49,000
                     Total assets                                                        2,42,99,000
                     Deferral loan                                             3          60,00,000
                     Creditors                                                            30,00,000
                     Short term borrowing                                                 8,00,000
                     Provisions                                                           12,00,000
                     Total liabilities                                                   1,10,00,000
                     Share capital                                                       1,30,00,000

                     Reserves:                                                            2,99,000
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