Page 15 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 15

Cumulative translation difference                         4          1,00,000
                     ESOP reserve                                              4           20,000
                     Retained earnings                                                    1,79,000
                     Total equity                                                        1,32,99,000
                     Total equity and liabilities                                        2,42,99,000

        The following GAAP differences were identified by the Company on first-time adoption of Ind AS with effect
        from April 1, 20X1:
        1. In relation to property, plant and equipment, the following adjustments were identified:
            •   Property,  plant  and  equipment  comprise  land  held  for  capital  appreciation  purposes  costing  Rs.
                4,50,000 and was classified as investment property as per Ind AS 40.
            •   Exchange differences of Rs. 1,00,000 were capitalised to depreciable property, plant and equipment on

                which accumulated depreciation of Rs. 40,000 was recognised.
            •   There were no asset retirement obligations.

            •   The management intends to adopt deemed cost exemption for using the previous GAAP carrying values
                as deemed cost as at the date of transition for PPE and investment property.

        2. The Company had made an investment in S Ltd. (subsidiary of H Ltd.) for Rs. 48,00,000 that carried a
        fair value of Rs. 68,00,000 as at the transition date. The Company intends to recognise the investment at its
        fair value as at the date of transition.

        3. Financial instruments:

        ●  Deferral loan Rs. 60,00,000:
        The deferral loan of Rs. 60,00,000 was obtained on March 31, 20X1, for setting up a business in a backward
        region with a condition to create certain defined targets for employment of local population of that region.
        The loan does not carry any interest and is repayable in full at the end of 5 years. In accordance with Ind AS
        109, the discount factor on the loan is to be taken as 10%, being the incremental borrowing rate. Accordingly,

        the fair value of the loan as at March 31, 20X1, is Rs. 37,25,528. The entity chooses to exercise the option
        given  in  paragraph  B11  of  Ind  AS  101,  i.e.,  the  entity  chooses  to  apply  the  requirements  of  Ind  AS  109,
        Financial  Instruments  and  Ind  AS  20,  Accounting  for  Government  Grants  and  Disclosure  of  Government
        Assistance, retrospectively as required information had been obtained at the time of initially accounting for
        deferral loan.

        4. The retained earnings of the Company contained the following:
        ●  ESOP reserve of Rs. 20,000:
        The Company had granted 1,000 options to employees out of which 800 have already vested. The Company
        followed  an  intrinsic  value  method  for  recognition  of  ESOP  charge  and  recognised  Rs.  12,000  towards  the
        vested options and Rs. 8,000 over a period of time as ESOP charge and a corresponding reserve. If the fair

        value method had been followed in accordance with Ind AS 102, the corresponding charge would have been Rs.
        15,000 and Rs. 9,000 for the vested and unvested shares respectively. The Company intends to avail the Ind
        AS  101  exemption  for  share-based  payments  for  not  restating  the  ESOP  charge  as  per  previous  GAAP  for
        vested options.
        ●  Cumulative translation difference

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