Page 12 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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(a)  recognise all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by Ind AS:
              (i)  customer related intangible assets if an entity elects to restate business combinations
              (ii)  share-based payment transactions with non-employees

              (iii) recognition of deferred tax on land
        (b) reclassify items that it recognised in accordance with previous GAAP as one type of asset, liability or
             component of equity, but is a different type of asset, liability or component of equity in accordance with
             Ind AS:
              (i)  redeemable preference shares that would have earlier been classified as equity;

              (ii)  non-controlling interests which would have been earlier classified outside equity; and
        (c)  apply Ind ASs in measuring all recognised assets and liabilities:
              (i)  discounting of long-term provisions
              (ii)  measurement of deferred income taxes for all temporary differences instead of timing differences.

        Q7. (Nov 22)
        On 1st April 20X1, Nuogen Ltd. had granted 1,20,000 share options to its employees with the vesting condition
        being a service condition as follows:

          Vesting date : 31st March 20X2 - 80,000 share options (1-year vesting period since grant date)
          Vesting date : 31st March 20X5 - 40,000 share options (4-year vesting period since grant date)
        Each option can be converted into one equity share of Nuogen Ltd. The fair value of the options on grant
        date, i.e., on 1st April 20X1 was Rs. 20.

        Nuogen Ltd. is required to prepare financial statements in Ind AS for the financial year ending 31st March
        20X4. The transition date for Ind AS being 1st April 20X2.
        The  entity  has  disclosed  publicly  the  fair  value  of  both  these  equity  instruments  as  determined  at  the
        measurement date, as defined in Ind AS 102.
        The previous applicable GAAP for the entity was IGAAP (AS) and therein, the entity had not adopted intrinsic
        method of valuation.

        The share options have not been yet exercised by the employees of Nuogen Ltd.
        How  the  share  based  payment  should  be  reflected  in,  the  books  of  Nuogen  Ltd.  as  on  31st  March  20X4,
        assuming that the entity has erred by not passing any entry for the aforementioned transactions in the books
        of Nuogen Ltd. on grant date, i.e. 1st April 20X1?

        For 80,000 share-based options vested before transition date:
        Ind AS 101 provides that a first-time adopter is encouraged, but not required, to apply Ind AS 102 on ‘Share-

        based Payment’ to equity instruments that vested before the date of transition to Ind AS. Hence, Nuogen Ltd.
        may opt for the exemption given in Ind AS 101 for 80,000 share options vested before the transition date.
        However,  since  no  earlier  accounting  was  done  for  these  share-based  options  under  previous  GAAP  too,
        therefore this led to an error on the transition date, as detected on the reporting date i.e. 31st March, 20X4.
        Hence, being an error, no exemption could be availed by Nuogen Ltd. on transition date with respect to Ind AS


        While  preparing  the  financial  statements  for  the  financial  year  20X3  -20X4,  an  error  has  been  discovered
        which  occurred  in  the  year  20X1  -20X2,  i.e.,  for  the  period  which  was  earlier  than  earliest  prior  period
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