Page 13 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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presented. The error should be corrected by restating the opening balances of relevant assets and/or liabilities
        and relevant component of equity for the year 20X2-20X3. This will result in consequential restatement of
        balances as at 1st April, 20X2 (i.e, opening balance sheet as at 1st April, 20X2).

        Accordingly, on retrospective calculation of Share based options with respect to 80,000 options, Nuogen Ltd.
        will  create  ‘Share  based  payment  reserve  (equity)’  by  Rs.  16,00,000  and  correspondingly  adjust  the  same
        though Retained earnings.

        For 40,000 share based options to be vested on 31st March, 20X5:

        Since share-based options have not been vested before transition date, no option as per Ind AS 101 is available
        to Nuogen Ltd. The entity will apply Ind AS 102 retrospectively. However, Nuogen Ltd. did not account for the
        same at the grant date. This will result in consequential restatement of balances as at 1st April, 20X2 (i.e,
        opening balance sheet as at 1st April, 20X2). Adjustment is to be made by recognising the ‘ Share based
        payment reserve (equity)’ and adjusting the retained earnings by Rs. 2,00,000.

        Further, expenses for the year ended 31st March, 20X3 and share based payment reserve (equity) as at 31st
        March, 20X3 were understated because of non-recognition of ‘employee benefits expense’ and related reserve.
        To  correct  the  above  errors  in  the  annual  financial  statements  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,  20X4,  the
        entity  should  restate  the  comparative  amounts  (i.e.,  those  for  the  year  ended  31  st March, 20X3)  in  the
        statement of profit and loss. In the given case, ‘Share based payment reserve (equity)’ would be credited by
        Rs. 2,00,000 and ‘employee benefits expense’ would be debited by Rs. 2,00,000

        For the year ending 31st March, 20X4, ‘Share based payment reserve (equity)’ would be credited by Rs.
        2,00,000 and  ‘employee benefits expense’ would be debited by Rs. 2,00,000.

        Working Note:
               Period               Lot            Proportion    Fair value   Cumulative       Expenses
                                                       a             b          d= b x a     e = d- previous
                                                                                               period d
               20X1-20X2  1 (1-year vesting period)    1/1       16,00,000      16,00,000      16,00,000
               20X1-20X2  2 (4-year vesting period)    1/4        8,00,000      2,00,000       2,00,000
               20X2-20X3  2 (4-year vesting period)   2/4         8,00,000      4,00,000       2,00,000
               20X3-20X4  2 (4-year vesting period)   3/4         8,00,000      6,00,000       2,00,000

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