Page 268 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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consolidated financial statements unless these components meet criterion for exclusion.

                   In  the  given  case,  Excellent  Ltd  has  provided  the  list  of  components  included  in  the  consolidated
                   financial statements (CFSs). CA Vimal shall verify that all the components have been included in the

                   Further,  in  respect  of  completeness  of  this  information,  CA  Vimal  should  perform  the  following

                     i.  review his working papers for the prior years for the known components;
                    ii.  review the parent’s procedures for identification of various components;
                    iii. make inquiries of the management to identify any new components or any component which
                      goes out of consolidated financial statements;
                    iv. review the investments of parent as well as its components to determine the shareholding in
                      other entities;
                    v. review the joint ventures and joint arrangements as applicable;
                    vi. review the other arrangements entered into by the parent that have not been included in the
                      consolidated financial statements of the group;
                   vii.  review the statutory records maintained by the parent, for example registers under section 186,
                      190 of the Companies Act, 2013;
                   viii.  Identify the changes in the shareholding that might have taken place during the reporting period.

                   Including only Relevant Notes to accounts of                             Old Course – (N22E)
          QNO      Standalone FST in Consolidated FST
                   TITANIUM CNO— GA.300
                   ABC Limited holds 51% equity of BBB Limited, 63% equity of TTT Limited. There are different information
                   and  explanations  which  are  disclosed  by  the  respective  companies  in  the  notes  to  their  financial
                   statements.  At  the  time  of  consolidation,  management  of  ABC  Limited  has  consolidated  all  the
                   information and explanations disclosed in the notes as well. The principal auditor is of the view that only

                   those  information  and  explanations  should  form  part  of  the  notes  to  the  consolidated  financial
                   statements which are relevant at group level. Please mention any five aspects which are given in the
                   notes to the separate financial statements of the parent and the subsidiaries, need not be included in
                   the consolidated financial statements.
                   The Ind AS 110 does not give a list of information which is part of the separate financial statement of the
                   components  but  that  need  not  be  reported  in  the  notes  and  other  explanatory  material  of  the
                   consolidated financial statements, however, based on section 129(4) and circular issued by MCA, it can be
                   construed that, even in consolidated financial statements under Ind AS, only those disclosures should be
                   given which are relevant to consolidated financial statements.

                   Based on the above discussion, in case of companies, the information such as the following given in the
                   notes to the separate financial statements of the parent and/or the subsidiary, need not be included in the
                   consolidated financial statements.

                       i   Source  from  which  bonus  shares  are  issued,  e.g.,  capitalization  of  profits  or  reserves  or  from
                          securities premium account.

                       ii  Disclosure of all unutilized monies out of the issue indicating the form in which such unutilized
                          funds have been invested.

                       iii  Disclosure required under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.

                       iv  A  statement  of  investments  (whether  shown  under  “financial  assets  or  non-financial  assets  as
                          stock-in-trade)  separately  classifying  trade  investments  and  other  investments,  showing  the
                          names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately the names of the bodies corporate under the
                          same management) in whose shares or debentures, investments have been made (including all
                          investments,  whether  existing  or  not,  made  subsequent  to  the  date  as  at  which  the  previous
                          balance sheet was made out) and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such
                          body corporate.

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