Page 270 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 270

Part 1- Audit of Banks

          QNO      Peculiarities which may necessitate special audit consideration-    Old Course – (M19E, SM21)
          447.001  TITANIUM CNO—BA.020                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   Banks, because of certain characteristics, are distinguished from other commercial enterprises and hence
                   it needs special audit consideration. As an auditor of a bank, specify the various peculiarities which may
                   necessitate special audit consideration to be taken care by you.
          Answer     ➢  Reasons
                        Shortcut: - Special Audit Considerations because of NewDONS in banking sector.

                        •  the continuing development of New products and services and banking practices which may not
                           be matched by the concurrent development of accounting principles and auditing practices.
                           (E.g., Cash Backs, Reward Points with Various Conditions Attached)

                        •  the extensive Dependence on IT to process transactions.
                           (E.g., Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Online Payments)

                        •  the scale of banking Operations and the resultant significant exposures which can arise within
                           short period of time.
                           (E.g., Large number of branches, customers & transactions)

                        •  the particular Nature of risks associated with the transactions undertaken.
                           (E.g., Heavy Cash Balances, Cash Movements, Assets in Lockers, Investments, Impact of Interest
                        •  the effect of the Statutory and regulatory requirements.
                           (E.g., Capital Adequacy Ratio, NPA Norms etc)

                     ➢  Dependence on IT
                        Evolution of technology and providing services through Net Banking and Mobiles has exposed banks
                        to huge operational and financial risk. In today’s environment, the banks use different applications to
                        carry  out  different  transactions  which  may  include  data  flow  from  one  application  to  other
                        application;(E.g., Customer went on vacation, duplicate sim was issued & bank account robbed)

                     ➢  Effect of above factors
                        The auditor should consider the effect of the above factors in designing his audit approach. It is
                        imperative for Branch Auditor and SCAs to have detailed knowledge of the products offered and risks
                        associated with them, and appropriately address them in their audit plan to the extent they give rise
                        to the risk of material misstatements in the financial statements

          QNO      Investment (Portfolio Management Services- Separate Records)      Old Course – (N20R, M21M)
          447.005  TITANIUM CNO—BA.360
                   ABN Bank was engaged in the business of providing Portfolio Management Services to its customers, for
                   which it took prior approval from RBI. Your firm has been appointed as the statutory auditors of the
                   Bank’s financial statements for the year2019-20. Your senior has instructed you to verify the transactions

                   of Portfolio Management Services (PMS). While verifying the transactions you noticed that the bank has
                   not maintained separate record for PMS transactions from the Bank’s own investments. As a statutory
                   auditor what methodology will be adopted by you for verification of PMS transactions?
                   Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  RBI guidelines

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