Page 271 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ➢  Separation of Investment Functions:
                          The auditor needs to examine whether the bank, as required by the RBI, is maintaining separate
                          accounts for the investments made by it on their own Investment Account, PMS clients’ account,
                          and  on  behalf  of  other  Constituents  (including  brokers).  As  per  the  RBI  guidelines,  banks  are
                          required to get their investments under PMS separately audited by external auditors.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                       ➢  Thus, in the instant case, ABN Bank is required to prepare separate records for PMS and as per RBI
                          guidelines  PMS  investments  need  to  be  audited  separately  by  the  external  auditors  and  the
                          auditors are  required to give a certificate separately for the same.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                       ➢  So, in the above case the auditor should not verify the PMS transactions and advise the bank to
                          segregate the PMS transactions from its own investments and provide the certificate of external
                          auditor as described above. In case ABN Bank does not provide the same the auditor may report

                   Bank unable to check the work and records being small       Old Course – (SM21, N21M, M23M)
          QNO      branch with shortage of manpower -                                      New Course – (SM23)
                   You are auditing a small bank branch with staff strength of the manager, cashier and three other staff S1
                   ,S2  and S3.  Among  allocation  of  work  for  other  areas, S1 who  is  a  peon  also  opens  all the mail  and
                   forwards it to the concerned person. He does not have a signature book so as to check the signatures on
                   important communications. S2 has possession of all bank forms (e.g., Cheque books, demand draft/pay

                   order books, travellers’ cheques, foreign currency cards etc.). He maintains a record meticulously which
                   you have test checked also. However, no one among staff regularly checks that. You are informed that
                   being  a  small  branch  with  shortage  of  manpower,  it  is  not  possible  to  always  check  the  work  and
                   records. Give your comments.
                      ➢  Banks are required to implement and maintain a system of internal controls for mitigating risks,
                          maintain good governance and to meet the regulatory requirements.

                      ➢  Given below are examples of internal controls that are violated in the given situation:
                           •  In the instant case, S1 who is a peon opens all the mail and forwards it to the concerned
                               •  Further, he does not have a signature book so as to check the signatures on important
                                   communications are not in accordance with implementation and maintenance of general
                                   internal control. As the mail should be opened by a responsible officer. Signatures on all
                                   the letters and advices received from other branches of the bank or its correspondence
                                   should be checked by an officer with the signature book.
                               •  All bank forms (e.g. Cheque books, demand draft/pay order books, travelers’ cheques,
                                   foreign currency cards etc.) should be kept in the possession of an officer, and another
                                   responsible officer should verify the issuance and stock of such stationery.
                           •  In the given case, S2 has possession of all bank forms (e.g. cheque books, demand draft/pay
                              order  books,  travelers’  cheques,  foreign  currency  cards  etc.).  He  maintains  a  record
                              meticulously which were also verified on test check basis.

                      ➢  Further, contention of bank that being a small branch with shortage of manpower they are not
                          able  to  check  the  work  and  records  on  regular  basis,  is  not  tenable  as  such  lapses  in  internal
                          control pose risk of fraud.
                      ➢  The auditor should report the same in his report accordingly.

          QNO      NPA(Cash Credit Branch wise Sub Limits)                                 Old Course – (M23R)
           447.050  TITANIUM CNO-- BA.400
                   BOT Limited is enjoying cash credit facility sanctioned from Nariman Point, Mumbai branch of KNB Bank for
                   250 crore. However, for practical considerations, various sub-limits have been fixed for the borrower company
                   for operation at Solapur, Pune and Nashik branches of the same bank.

                   The manager of the Solapur branch notices that there are no credit transactions in sub - limit account being
                   operated at the Solapur branch for more than 90 days as on 31  March,2022.
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