Page 272 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 272

Discuss the approach of CA. Muni, statutory branch auditor of Nariman Point branch, Mumbai of KNB Bank, in
                   the matter of asset classification of the above borrower account. Also discuss considerations for classifying
                   said account at the Solapur branch.
          Answer  Sometimes, a customer is sanctioned a cash credit limit at one branch but is authorised to utilise such
                   overall limit at several other branches also, for each of which a sub-limit is fixed.

                   In such a case, the determination of status of the account as NPA or otherwise should be determined at the
                   limit-sanctioning branch with reference to the overall sanctioned limit/drawing power and not by each of
                   the other branches where a sub-limit has been fixed.

                   The  auditor  of  the  limit-sanctioning  branch  should  examine  whether  it  receives  particulars  of  all
                   transactions in the account at sub-limit branches and whether status of the account has been determined
                   considering the total position of operation of the account at all

                   concerned branches. The standalone matter of no credit transactions for more than 90 days as on 31st
                   March,2022 at Solapur branch is irrelevant.

                   Hence, keeping in view above, CA. Muni should consider asset classification considering the total position
                   of operation of the account at all concerned branches.

                   Regarding  sub-limit  at  branches,  the  classification  adopted  by  the  limit-sanctioning  branch  should  be
                   followed. Hence, the Solapur branch has to follow asset classification made by the limit-sanctioning branch.

          QNO      NPA (Classification of Assets Pressure by Bank Manager)                  Old Course – (N18M)
          449.010  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400
                   M/s. S Ltd. is a MSME unit. The company does multiple banking. The company is availing cash credit limit
                   from U Bank of Rs. 25 crores. The limit availed remained less than Rs. 5.00 crores during all the days of
                   F.Y.  2017-18.  The  company  has  not  done  any  credit  in  cash  credit  account  during  the  year  as  it  is
                   operating current account in newly opened another bank branch adjoining to company premises. The

                   company is having sufficient security of stocks and debtors and DP of Rs.25.00 crores remain all over the
                   year. The company is availing term loans from other bank branches. Now the Bank Manager is insisting
                   to  route the  sale  proceeds  through  U  Bank,  otherwise  cash  credit  limit  and  term loan  accounts with
                   other banks will be treated as Non-Performing Accounts. Now company seeks your opinion.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                       ▪  Classification of Account as NPA in case of Multiple Banking
                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                       ➢  If  the  account  remains  overdue  for  more  than  90  days,  the  account  becomes  Non-Performing
                          Assets. The account will also be called as overdue, if there are not sufficient credits in the cash
                          credit account which even could not serve the interest charged.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                       ➢  In this case, there are no credits in accounts, it means interest has not been served in the account.
                          Thus, accounts become overdue after 90 days for non-credit of amounts which could even serve
                          the  interest  amount.  Thus,  cash  credits  will  become  as  NPA  if  no  credits/sale  proceeds  are
                          deposited in that account.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                       ➢  However, in multiple banking system, each bank is independent for classification of  account as
                          NPA. If SBI declares the account as NPA due to non-serving of interest amount, other bank will be
                          free and will not classify the term loan accounts as NPA, if they are regular.

          QNO      NPA (credit limit renewal)                                                Old Course – (SM21)
          449.050  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400                                                      New Course – (SM23)
                   ABC Bank had sanctioned credit limits of Rs.100 lakh to M/s Volkart Ltd on 1st September 2018. The
                   renewal of limits was due on 1st September 2019. While doing the statutory branch audit for the year
                   ended 31st March 2020, you find that the renewal has not been done even though 180 days are over.
                   The  bank  says  that  the  renewal  process  has  been  initiated  on  time  and  most  of  the  documents  are

                   received. The account is operated regularly and is in order; balance is maintained within drawing power.
                   It also shows a letter from Volkart stating that due to a sudden death of their auditor, a new auditor had
                   to be appointed. Procedure for appointment took some time and the new auditor was doing the audit all
                   over again. The limit was not renewed till 31/3/2020. However, the audited financials are received on
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