Page 273 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 273

10th  April  2020  and  the  renewal  letter  was  issued  immediately.  Your  assistant  is  insisting  that  the
                   account  must  be  classified  as  NPA  since  the  limit  was  not  renewed  as  on  31/3/2020.  What  is  your
                     ➢  As per Guidelines of Reserve Bank of India the account should be classified as NPA if renewal is not
                        done in 180 days.
                     ➢  However, in the present case, operations in the account are excellent.
                     ➢  The bank has shown a letter from that company that due to certain reasons the audited financial
                        statements are delayed. Further, the limit has been renewed before signing the audit report.
                     ➢  Thus, even if the sanction was issued after the balance sheet date, it relates to the position as on the
                        balance sheet date.
                     ➢  Therefore, it is an adjusting event under AS 4, Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance
                        Sheet Date. It is also a matter of substance over form.
                     ➢  The auditor would consider classifying the account as a standard asset.

                   NPA (regularization before balance sheet date)-                          Old Course – (N20E)
                   TITANIUM CNO—BA.400
                   In the course of statutory Branch audit of KS Bank Ltd, you observe that some borrower accounts have
                   been  regularized  before  Balance  sheet  date  by  payment  of  overdue  amount.  Narrate  the  audit

                   procedures to be carried out with special focus on the Classification of advances and Provisioning for
                   Non-Performing assets of the Branch.
                   The Audit procedures that need to be carried out with special focus on classification of advances and
                   provisioning for NPAs of KS Bank Ltd, in which the auditor has observed that some borrower accounts
                   have been regularized before balance sheet date by payment of overdue amount shall be carried out as
                   under :
                   (i)  As per the Reserve Bank guidelines, if an account has been regularised before the balance sheet date
                       by payment of overdue amount through genuine sources, the account need not be treated as NPA.
                   (ii)   Where subsequent to repayment by the borrower (which makes the account regular), the branch has
                       provided further funds to the borrower (including by way of subscription to its debentures or in other
                       accounts of  the  borrower), the auditor should carefully  assess whether the  repayment was out of
                       genuine sources or not.
                   (iii)   Where the  account indicates inherent weakness based in the data available,  the account shall be
                       deemed as a NPA.

                    Classification and Provision
                     a.  Examine  whether the  classification  made  by the  branch  is  appropriate. Particularly,  examine the
                         classification of advances where there are threats to recovery.
                     b.  Examine  whether  the  secured  and  the  unsecured  portions  of  advances  have  been  segregated
                         correctly and provisions have been calculated properly.
                     c.   It  is  to  be  ensured  that  the  classification  is  made  as  per  the  position  as  on  date  and  hence
                         classification of all standard accounts be reviewed as on balance sheet date.
                     d.  The date of NPA is significant to determine the classification and hence specific care be taken in this
                     e.  NPA should be recognized only based on concept of Past Due/ Overdue concept, and not based on
                         the Balance Sheet date.

          QNO      (Consortium)NPA                     Old Course – (N11R, N12M, M13R, PM17, N17R, M18M, SM21,)
          451.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   Your firm has been appointed as Central Statutory Auditors of a Nationalised Bank. The Bank follows
                   financial year as accounting year. The bank is a consortium member of Cash Credit Facilities of  Rs 50
                   crores to X Ltd Bank's own share is Rs 10 crores only. During the last two quarters against a debit of Rs
                   1.75 crores towards interest the credits in X Ltd's account are to the tune of Rs 1.25 crores only. Based on
                   the certificate of lead bank, the bank has classified the account of X Ltd as performing. Advise your views

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