Page 275 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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has to be treated as NPA even if it remains  would  be  reversed  and  would  be  taken  to
                             overdue for more than 90 days and in case  income only when it is realized.
                             of  NPA,  for  the  purpose  of  income
                             recognition, interest on such advance should
                             not  be  taken  to  income  unless  interest  is
                    2        Accounts for which an ad hoc limit has not  It’s treatment in the books would be changed
                             been reviewed for 180 days from the date of  from  performing  asset  to  a  non-performing
                             such ad hoc sanction, should be considered  asset from the date when such change in the
                             as NPA.                                  treatment was required
                    3        In case of sale of NPA, where the sale is for a  The entry for reversal of the excess provision
                             value  higher  than  the  NBV,  the  auditor  is  would  be  cancelled  in  the  books  and  such
                             required  to  ensure  that  no  profit  is  excess  provision  would  be  retained  to  meet
                             recognized, and the excess provision has not  the  shortfall/  loss  that  may  arise  because  of
                             been  reversed  but  retained  to  meet  the  the  sale  of  other  non-performing  financial
                             shortfall/ loss that may arise because of the  assets.
                             sale of other nonperforming financial assets.
                    4        Additional   temporary   limit   may   be  The  terms  of  additional  temporary  limit  in
                             sanctioned,  for  a  maximum  of  20%  of  the  case of such account would be revised to 20%
                             existing limit and 90 days maximum tenure.   of the existing limit and for 90 days maximum
                    5        Net position in respect of each of the foreign  The net “position” of the branch in relation to
                             currencies should be generally squared and  each  foreign  currency  should  be  squared  off
                             should  not  be  uncovered  by  a  substantial  and get covered by a substantial amount.

          QNO     Deficiencies in “credit appraisal                                       New Course – (SM23)
          454.550 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                  CA.  Harshit  is  conducting  statutory  audit  of  branch  of  a  public  sector  bank.  On  examining  20  large
                  advances of the branch, he finds that in 5 examined cases, loan applications have been filled up scantily
                  with important details left out. In these cases, it is also noticed that cash credit limits to the borrowers
                  were enhanced during the year but there are no records pertaining to assessment of enhanced working
                  capital  requirements  in  respective  borrower  files.  The  branch  is  unable  to  show  such
                  assessments/workings in system either.

                  However,  all  the  five  accounts  are  operating  satisfactorily.  These  accounts  have  been  classified  as
                  standard  assets  by  branch.  Would  above  information  prompt  auditor  to  suggest  change  in  asset
                  classification of above accounts? What does depicted situation reflect?
          Answer  An  account  becomes  NPA  when  it  ceases  to  generate  income  for  bank.  In  the  given  situation,  all  the
                  examined  five  accounts  are  operating  satisfactorily.  There  is  no  reason  for  suggesting  changes  in  their

                  The matter of scantily filling up loan applications and lack for record for assessment of enhanced working
                  capital requirements  shows  that  internal  control  over advances  in  branch  is  not proper.  The  above  said
                  situation shows deficiencies in “credit appraisal” at branch level. Such deficiencies need to be highlighted by
                  auditor in LFAR.

                  Audit Procedures to check Compliance of Audit norms in                   Old Course – (N21M)
          454.600   different situations.                                                  New Course – (SM23
                  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400
                  M/s Aadi & Co., Chartered Accountants, have been allotted the branch audit of a nationalized bank for
                  the year ended 31st March 2021. You are part of audit team and have been instructed by your partner to
                  verify the following areas:
                  (i) Fulfilment of the criteria prescribed for NPA norms for government guaranteed advance.
                  (ii) Fulfilment of the criteria prescribed for NPA norms for the advances given for agricultural purposes.

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