Page 276 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 276

(iii) Drawing power calculation from stock statements in respect of working capital accounts.
                  (iv) Accounts where regular/ad hoc limits are not reviewed within 180 days from the due date/date of ad
                  hoc sanction. What may be your areas of concern as regards matters specified above?
          Answer  Area of Focus             Suggested Audit Procedures
                   Government Guaranteed       •   If  government  guaranteed  advance  becomes  NPA,  then  for  the
                   Advances                    purpose of income recognition, interest on such advance should not to
                                               be taken to income unless interest is realized. However, for purpose of
                                               asset  classification,  credit  facility  backed  by  Central  Government
                                               Guarantee,  though  overdue,  can  be  treated  as  NPA  only  when  the
                                               Central  Government  repudiates  its  guarantee,  when  invoked.  This
                                               exception is not applicable for State Government Guaranteed advances,
                                               where advance is to be considered NPA if it remains overdue for more
                                               than 90 days.

                                               •   In  case  the  bank  has  not  invoked  the  Central  Government
                                               Guarantee though the amount is overdue for long, the reasoning for the
                                               same should be taken and duly reported in LFAR
                   Agricultural Advances       •   Ensure that NPA norms have been applied in accordance with the
                                               crop season determined by the State Level Bankers’ Committee in each
                                               State. Depending upon the duration of crops – short term/ long term -
                                               raised by an agriculturist, the NPA norms would also be made applicable
                                               to  agricultural term  loans  availed  of  by  them.  Also  ensure  that these
                                               norms are made applicable to all direct agricultural advances listed in
                                               Master Circular on lending to priority sector.

                                               •   In respect of agricultural loans, other than those  Specified in the
                                               circular, ensure that identification of NPAs has been done on the same
                                               basis as non agricultural advances
                   Drawing Power               •   Ensure  that  the  drawing  power  is  calculated  as  per  the  extant
                   Calculation                 guidelines (i.e. the Credit Policy of the Bank) formulated by the Board of
                                               Directors  of  the  respective  bank  and  agreed  upon  by  the  concerned
                                               statutory  auditors.  Special  consideration  should  be  given  to  proper
                                               reporting  of  sundry  creditors  for  the  purposes  of  calculating  drawing

                                               •   The stock audit should be carried out by the bank for all accounts
                                               having  funded  exposure  of  more  than  stipulated  limit.  The  report
                                               submitted by the stock auditors should be reviewed during the course
                                               of the audit and special focus should be given to the comments made by
                                               the stock auditors on valuation of security and calculation of drawing

                                            The  drawing  power  needs  to  be  calculated  carefully  in  case  of  working
                                            capital  advances  to  companies  engaged  in  construction  business.  The
                                            valuation of work in progress should be ensured in consistent and proper
                                            manner.  It  also  needs  to  be  ensured  that  mobilization  advance  being
                                            received by the contractors is reduced while calculating drawing power.
                   Limits not reviewed      Accounts  where  regular/ad  hoc  limits  are  not  reviewed  within  180  days
                                            from the due date/date of ad hoc sanction, should be considered as NPA.
                                            Auditors should also ensure that the ad hoc/short reviews are not done on
                                            repetitive basis.

                                             In such cases, auditor can consider the classification of account based on
                                            other parameters and functioning of the account.

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