Page 277 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 277

QNO      NPA Case -- Deficiency in Documents                                                          Old Course – (N22R)
          454.700  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400
                   CA Prachi was conducting statutory audit of branch of a nationalized bank for the year 2021-22. While
                   reviewing operations and documents/papers of a borrower enjoying overdraft credit facilities of ₹ 50
                   crore (availed against security of stocks and book debts), following observations were jotted down by
                   her: -
                    (i)    The balance in overdraft credit facility as on 31st March,2022 was ₹ 55.65 crore. The  balance in
                           account exceeded sanctioned limit during the whole month of March 2022.
                    (ii)   As per terms of sanction letter, stock/book debt statements were required to be submitted
                           monthly. Latest available stock/book debt statement for the month of February, 2022 showed
                           drawing  power  of  ₹  48.50  crore  only.  However,  stock/book  debt  statements  of  previous
                           months showed adequate drawing power.
                    (iii)   Stock  audit  of  borrower  was  also  conducted  during  the  year  by  one  of  empanelled  stock
                           auditors  of  the  bank.  Stock  audit  report  dated  31st  December,2021  placed  on  the  record
                           showed adequate drawing power in the account. However, it has commented adversely on the
                           declining turnover of borrower in year 2021 -22(till the date of stock audit report) as compared
                           to proportionate turnover in preceding year.
                    (iv)   The  renewal  of  overdraft  facilities  was  due  on  20th  October,2021.  The  account  was  short
                           renewed by competent authority for a period of 3 months pending submission of  complete

                   However, borrower has not submitted complete renewal papers till 31st March,2022. There is a request
                   letter from borrower on record stating that valuation report of a property located at a faraway location
                   was taking time. The branch has classified the account as ‘Standard Asset’. Considering above, CA Prachi
                   is in dilemma relating to proper classification of above advance. Guide her.
          Answer  The borrower was enjoying overdraft credit facilities of ₹ 50 crore against security of stocks and debts.
                   Further,  though  latest  available  stock  statement  for  the  month  of  February,  2022  showed  inadequate
                   drawing  power,  there  was  adequate  drawing  power  available  throughout  the  year.  Stock  audit  report
                   dated 31.12.2021 also reflected adequate drawing power. Hence, it shows that borrower had adequate
                   drawing power during the year.
                   Further,  comment  on  declining  sales  is  of  general  informative  value  to  management  for  making  credit

                   The fact of over drawings in account during the month of March, 2022 and inadequate drawing power in a
                   month  are  in  nature  of  temporary  deficiencies  and  do  not  require  account  to  be  classified  as  NPA  in
                   accordance with asset classification and provisioning norms of RBI.

                   RBI instructions lay down that ordinarily credit limits need to be reviewed not later than three months
                   from the due date. As per Guidance note on Audit of Banks, in case of constraints such as non-availability
                   of financial statements and other data from the borrowers, the branch should furnish evidence to show
                   that renewal/ review of credit limits is underway and would be completed soon. In any case, delay beyond
                   six months is not considered desirable as a general discipline. Hence, an account where the credit limits
                   have not been reviewed/ renewed within 180 days from the due date will be treated as

                   It would be pertinent to note that the counting of 180 days would be required to be done from the date of
                   original due date for renewal and not from the date of expiry of short reviews / technical reviews. In the
                   instant case, the original date  of renewal was 20th October, 2021 and period of 180 days has still not
                   expired as on balance sheet date.

                   Keeping  in view  all  above  factors,  CA Prachi  should  accept  classification  of  account  as  ‘Standard  Asset’
                   made by branch.

          QNO      Sale of NPA                                       Old Course – (M15E M18E, N20E, SM21, N22M)
          455.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.400                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   CA K have been doing audit of branch of LUD Bank Ltd. The principal business of the branch is lending

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