Page 292 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 292

➢  Classification
                         Currently, NBFCs registered with RBI are being classified as:
                         IFFI inaugurated by CM sponsored by NBFCs

                           •  Investment and Credit Company (ICC)
                           •  Non-Operative Financial Holding Company - (NOFHC)
                           •  Non-Banking Financial Company - Factors (NBFC-Factors)
                           •  Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC) (Only 9 such companies in India, L&T Infrastructure
                               Finance  Company  Ltd)&Infrastructure  Debt  Fund-  Non-  Banking  Financial  Company  (IDF-
                               NBFC) (Only 4 such companies in India, L&T Infra Debt Fund Ltd)

                           •  Core Investment Company (CIC)  &Systemically  Important Core  Investment Company (CIC-
                               ND-SI)(For financing of a particular business group, TATA Capital Limited)
                           •  Non-Banking Financial Company - Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI). (Bandhan Financial
                               Services Limited)

          QNO      New Activity Based Classification                                       Old Course – (M23R)
          514.300  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.120
                  Categorisation of NBFCs carrying out specific activity.
          Answer  Categorisation of NBFCs carrying out specific activity: As the regulatory structure envisages scale based  as
                  well as activity-based regulation, the following prescriptions shall apply in respect of the NBFCs

                     i.   NBFC-P2P, NBFC-AA, NOFHC and NBFCs without public funds and customer interface will always
                         remain in the Base Layer of the regulatory structure.

                    ii.   NBFC-D, CIC, IFC and HFC will be included in Middle Layer or the Upper Layer (and not in the Base
                         layer), as the case may be. SPD and IDF-NBFC will always remain in the Middle Layer.

                    iii.   The remaining NBFCs, viz., Investment and Credit Companies (NBFC-ICC), Micro Finance Institution
                         (NBFC-MFI), NBFC-Factors and Mortgage Guarantee Companies (NBFC-MGC) could lie in any of the
                         layers  of  the  regulatory  structure  depending  on  the  parameters  of  the  scale  based  regulatory

                    iv.   Government owned NBFCs shall be placed in the Base Layer or Middle Layer, as the case may be.
                         They will not be placed in the Upper Layer till further notice

          QNO     Housing Finance Activities                                              New Course – (SM23)
          514.450 TITANIUM CNO -- NBFC.120
                  Sugam Housing Finance Limited is in the business of housing finance activities having asset size of ₹ 800
                  crores. Its principal business is of providing finances for housing mainly to individuals. It is not identified
                  by  RBI  in  upper  layer.  Under  scale-based  regulations  introduced  by  RBI,  what  should  be  appropriate
                  classification for such a company?

                  Is there any specific reporting requirement under CARO, 2020 for statutory auditor of a company engaged
                  in housing finance activities?
          Answer  The said company is not identified in upper layer by RBI. Under scale based regulations introduced by RBI,
                  NBFCs undertaking housing finance activities constitute “middle layer”. The asset size is not relevant in such
                  a case. All housing finance companies not identified in upper layer would constitute middle layer due to

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