Page 295 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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has not been taken to Statement of Profit and Loss.
                                        o  Income from investments;
                                           NBFC prudential norms directions require dividend income on shares of
                                           companies and units of mutual funds to be recognized on cash basis.
                                        o  Asset classification
                                               ▪  The auditor should verify the classification of advances and loans
                                                   as standard/ substandard/doubtful/loss and that proper provision
                                                   has been made in accordance with the directions.
                                               ▪  The auditor should check all NPAs of the previous years to verify
                                                   whether  during  the  current  year  any  payments  have  been
                                                   received or still they continue to be NPA during the current year
                                        o  Provision for bad and doubtful debts;
                                        o  Capital adequacy norm;
                                        o  Investment Valuation

                                        Check  whether  the  investments  have  been  valued  in  accordance  with  the
                                        NBFC  Prudential  Norms  Directions  and  adequate  provision  for  fall  in  the
                                        market  value  of  securities,  wherever  applicable,  have  been  made  there
                                        against, as required by the Directions.
                  Author’s Note
                  You may see difference in the answer given in PARAM with PM answer. Use our answer. We select
                  best and recent answer whenever there are different answers.

          QNO     NBFC-General Audit Procedures                                      Old Course – (M22M,N22M)
          515.300  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.200
                  "OM & Co. is the statutory auditor of OTAPS NBFC Ltd. While planning the audit procedures to be done
                  during the audit of entity, there was a difference of opinion between Mr. O and his partner Mr. M. Mr. O
                  is  of  the  opinion  that  evaluation  of  internal  control  system  and  verification  of  registration  with  RBI

                  should not be the part of audit procedure, as it is the part of interna l audit only. Briefly state what broad
                  areas should mandatorily become part of the audit procedure of OM & Co. for conducting the audit of
                  OTAPS NBFC Ltd.? Also comment whether contention of Mr. O is correct?"
          Answer   Following are broad areas that should be mandatorily part of the audit procedure for conducting the
                  audit of NBFC:

                    1.  Ascertaining the Business of the Company - The first step in carrying out the audit of a NBFC is to
                        scan through the Memorandum and  Articles of Association of the company, so as to acquaint
                        oneself with the type of business that the company is engaged into. The task of ascertaining the
                        principal business activity of any NBFC is of paramount importance since the very classification
                        of  a  company  as  a  NBFC  and  its  further  classification  would  all  depend  upon  its  principal
                        business activity. Based on the classification of a company, it will be required to comply with the
                        provisions relating to limits on acceptance of public deposits as contained in the NBFC Public
                        Deposit Directions.

                    2.  Evaluation  of  Internal  Control  System  -  An  auditor  should  gain  an  understanding  of  the
                        accounting system and related internal controls adopted by the NBFC to determine the nature,
                        timing and extent of his audit procedures. An auditor should also ascertain whether the internal
                        controls put in place by the NBFC are adequate and are being effectively followed. In particular,
                        an auditor should review the effectiveness of the system of recovery prevalent at the NBFC. He
                        should ascertain whether the NBFC has an effective system of periodical review of advances in
                        place  which  would  facilitate  effective  monitoring  and  follow  up.  The  absence  of  a  periodical
                        review system could result in non-detection of sticky advances at their very inception which may

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