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Part 2- NBFC

          QNO     Identification of Company as NBFC                                        Old Course –(SM21)
          513.500  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.020
                  Satyam Pvt Ltd is a company engaged in trading activities, it also has made investments in shares of
                  other  Companies  and  advanced  loans  to  group  companies  amounting  to  more  than  50%  of  its  total

                  assets. However, trading income constitutes majority of its total income. Whether the Company is an
                      ➢  In order to identify a particular company as Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), it will consider
                         both assets and income pattern as evidenced from the last audited balance sheet of the company
                         to decide its principal business.

                      ➢  The company will be treated as NBFC when a company's financial assets constitute more than 50
                         per  cent  of  the  total  assets  (netted  off  by  intangible  assets)  and  income  from  financial  assets
                         constitute more than 50 per cent of the gross income. A company which fulfils both these criteria
                         shall qualify as an NBFC and would require to be registered as NBFC by Reserve Bank of India.

                      ➢  In the given case, though Satyam Pvt Ltd is fulfilling the criteria on the asset side, but however is
                         not fulfilling the criteria on the income side, the company cannot be classified as a deemed NBFC.

          QNO     Identification of Company as NBFC                                        Old Course –(SM21)
          513.800  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.020
                  Krishna Pvt Ltd is primarily into the business of selling computer parts. However, the company is fulfilling
                  the Principal Business Criteria as at the balance sheet date i.e. Financial Assets are more than 50 % of

                  total assets and Financial Income is more than 50% of Gross Income. What shall be the obligation of the
                  Statutory Auditor in such a scenario?
                      ➢  In the given case, Krishna Pvt Ltd is fulfilling the Principal Business Criteria i.e. Financial Assets are
                         more than 50 % of total assets and Financial Income is more than 50 % of Gross Income.
                      ➢  The company which fulfils both these criteria shall qualify as an NBFC and hence is required to
                         obtain Certificate of Registration (CoR) with Reserve Bank of India. In such a scenario, the statutory
                         auditor has an obligation to submit exception report to the RBI on the following matters :
                          •  Where, in the case of a non-banking financial company, the statement regarding any of the
                             items referred to in paragraph 3 of the Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report
                             (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016, is unfavorable or qualified, or in the opinion of the auditor
                             the company has not complied with:
                              •  the provisions of Chapter III B of RBI Act (Act 2 of 1934); or
                              •  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public  Deposits  (Reserve  Bank)
                                  Directions, 2016; or
                              •  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  –  Non-Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking
                                  Company  (Reserve  Bank)  Directions,  2016  and  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  -
                                  Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and  Deposit  taking  Company
                                  (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016.

                             It  shall  be  the  obligation  of  the  auditor  to  make  a  report  containing  the  details  of  such
                             unfavorable or qualified statements and/or about the non-compliance, as the case may be, in
                             respect of the company to the concerned Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking
                             Supervision  of  the  RBI  under  whose  jurisdiction  the  registered  office  of  the  company  is
                             located as per first Schedule to the Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public
                             Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016.

                          •  The duty of the Auditor under sub-paragraph (I) shall be to report only the contraventions of
                             the provisions of RBI Act, 1934, and Directions, Guidelines,  instructions referred to in sub-
                             paragraph (1) and such report shall not contain any statement with respect to compliance of
                             any of those provisions.

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