Page 287 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 287

•  Liability for partly paid investments
                                •  Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts
                                •  Other items for which the bank is contingently liable

                       ➢  Bills for Collection

          QNO      Management Representation For Contingent                             Old Course – (M22E)
          485.005  Liability
                   TITANIUM CNO—UNIQUE

                   Your firm has been appointed as Central Statutory Auditors of a Nationalised Bank for the  financial year
                   2021-22.  During  the  course  of  audit  your  audit  team  observed  that  a  lump  sum  amount  has  been
                   disclosed as Contingent Liability collectively though the components are correctly identified. In respect
                   of contingent liabilities, the auditor is primarily, concerned with seeking reasonable assurance that all
                   the  contingent  liabilities  are  identified  and  properly  valued  and  the  audit  firm  intends  to  obtain  a
                   representation  from  the  'management.  Highlight  the  points/checklists  that  are  to  be  covered  in  the
                   management representation.
          Answer  Contingent Liabilities: In respect of contingent liabilities, the auditor is primarily concerned with seeking
                   reasonable assurance that all contingent liabilities are identified and properly valued. The auditor should

                   obtain representation from management that: -
                   (i)  all  off-balance  sheet transactions  have  been  accounted  in the  books  of  accounts  as  and  when  such
                   transaction has taken place;
                   (ii) all off balance sheet transactions have been entered into after following due procedure laid down;
                   (iii) all off balance sheet transactions are supported by the underlying documents;
                   (iv) all year end contingent liabilities have been disclosed;
                   (v) the disclosed contingent liabilities do not include any crystallised liabilities which are of the nature of
                   loss/ expense and which, therefore, require creation of a provision/adjustment in the financial statements;
                   (vi) the estimated amounts of financial effect of the contingent liabilities are based on the best estimates in
                   terms of Accounting Standard 29, including consideration of the possibility of any reimbursement;
                   (vii) in case of guarantees issued on behalf of the bank’s directors, the bank has taken appropriate steps to
                   ensure that adequate and effective arrangements have been made so that the commitments would be met
                   out of the party’s own resources and that the bank will not be called upon to grant any loan or advances to
                   meet the liability consequent upon the invocation of the said guarantee(s) and that no violation of
                   section 20 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 has arisen on account of such guarantee; and
                   (viii) such contingent liabilities which have not been disclosed on account of the fact that the possibility of
                   their outcome is remote include the management’s justification for reaching such a decision in respect of
                   those contingent liabilities.

                   Note: Students may be given due credit for any other relevant point quoted.

                   Bank Audit Report -- Submission, Requirement of                          Old Course – (M21E)
          QNO      Company's Act, Applicability of CARO
                   M/s GH & Associates have been appointed as Central Statutory Auditors of BNH Bank, a nationalized
                   bank, headquartered in New Delhi for the F.Y 2020-2021. Bank functions in automated environment
                   using "FLC Software". While preparing audit report, one of the partners highlighted that some matters
                   covered  by  Companies  Act.  2013  and the  requirements  of  Companies  (Auditor’s  Report) Order, 2020
                   reporting. You are required to answer the following: -

                   (i) To which authority auditors should submit their audit report?
                   (ii) List the matters covered under Companies Act. 2013 and
                   (iii) Reporting under Companies (Auditor’s Report), Order, 2020.
          Answer  (i) Authority to whom Auditors to submit their Audit Report -
                   In the case of a nationalised bank, the auditor is required to make a report to the Central Government.
                   So, GH & Associates, Central Statutory Auditors of BNB Bank- a nationalized bank, would be required to
                   submit their report to Central Govt.

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