Page 294 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 294

Kindly guide Mr Shyam with respect to his reporting requirements as per relevant NBFC provisions.
          Answer  In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 45–IA of the RBI Act and all
                  the powers enabling it in that behalf, the Bank hereby specifies two hundred lakh rupees as the Net Owned
                  Fund (NOF) required for a non-banking financial company to commence or carry on the business of non-
                  banking financial institution, except wherever otherwise a specific requirement as to NOF is prescribed by
                  the Bank.

                  It  will  be  incumbent  upon  such  NBFCs,  the  NOF  of  which  currently  falls  below  ₹  200  lakh,  to  submit  a
                  statutory auditor's certificate certifying compliance with the prescribed levels by the end of the  period as
                  given above.

                  NBFCs failing to achieve the prescribed level within the stipulated period shall not be eligible to hold the
                  CoR as NBFCs. Every non-banking financial company shall submit a certificate from its Statutory Auditor that
                  it  is  engaged  in  the  business  of  a  non-banking  financial  institution  requiring  it  to  hold  a  Certificate  of
                  Registration under Section 45-IA of the RBI Act and is eligible to hold it. A certificate from the Statutory
                  Auditor in this regard with reference to the position of the company as at end of the financial year ended
                  March 31 may be submitted to the Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking Supervision under
                  whose  jurisdiction the non-banking  financial  company is  registered, within  one  month  from the  date  of
                  finalization of the balance sheet and in any case not later than December 30th of that year. The format of
                  the  Statutory  Auditor’s  Certificate  (SAC)  to  be  submitted  by  NBFCs  has  been  issued  vide  DNBS.
                  PPD.02/66.15.001/2016-17  Master  Direction-  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  Returns  (Reserve  Bank)
                  Directions, 2016.

                  Hence, in the current case, it is the responsibility of the Statutory Auditor, i.e., Mr. Shyam, to report where
                  NOF has fallen below ₹ 200 Lakhs

          QNO     Compliance with Prudential Norms            Old Course – (N08E, N12E, N13R, M15R, M16R, PM17,
          515.000  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.200                                                         M18M, N18E)
                  You  are  the  auditor  of  IJK  Ltd.,  a  NBFC  registered  with  RBI.  How  would  you  proceed  to  ensure  the

                  compliance of Prudential Norms directions by it.
          Answer   Compliance of Prudential Norms by NBFC:

                      ➢  Verification by Auditor
                         The auditor has to verify the compliance of prudential norms relating to
                                 •  At the time of giving advances / investment
                                        o  Prohibition on loans and investments for failure to repay public deposits
                                        o  Prohibition of granting loans against its own shares;
                                        o  Norms for concentration of credit etc.
                          In case of Investment Company, NBFC Prudential Norms stipulates that NBFCs should not lend
                          more than 15% of its owned funds to any single borrower and not more than 25% to any single
                          group of borrowers. The ceiling on investments in shares by a NBFC in a single entity and the
                          aggregate  of  investments  in  a  single  group  of  entities  has  been  fixed  at  15%  and  25%
                          respectively. Moreover, a composite limit of credit to and investments in a single entity/group
                          of entities has been fixed at 25% and 40% respectively of the owned fund of the concerned
                          NBFC. Verify that the credit facilities extended, and investments made by the concerned NBFC
                          are in accordance with the prescribed ceiling.
                                 •  The auditor shall ensure that Board of the NBFC shall frame a policy for granting
                                    demand/call loans and implement the same.

                                 •  After the giving advances / investment
                                        o  Income recognition (Advances);
                                           Auditor should ensure that unrealized income from non-performing assets

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