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nature of such activities undertaken by them.

                  There is specific reporting requirement under CARO, 2020 under clause 3 (xvi)(b) which requires auditor to
                  report whether the company has conducted any non-Banking financial or housing finance activities without
                  a valid Certificate of Registration (CoR) from the Reserve Bank of India as per the Reserve Bank of India Act,

          QNO     Registration and Regulation of NBFCs                                     Old Course – (SM21)
          514.500  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.040                                                  New Course – (SM23)

                  Shubham & Associates are going to start the audit of NBFCs. They have not performed much work for
                  the NBFCs in the past years. You are required to explain the requirements related to registration and

                  regulation of NBFCs which an auditor needs to keep in his mind while planning the audit of NBFC which
                  would help this firm.
                   ➢  An auditor should know following points regarding registration and regulation of NBFCs:
                      Under Section 45–IA of the RBI Act, 1934, no NBFC shall commence or carry on the business of a non-
                      banking financial institution without
                          •  obtaining a certificate of registration issued by the RBI; and
                          •  having a net owned fund (NOF) of ` 25 lakhs (₹ Two crore since April 1999) not exceeding two
                             hundred lakhs rupees, as the RBI may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify.
                      (The RBI (Amendment) Act (1997) provided an entry point norm of ` 25 lakh as the minimum NOF
                      which was revised upwards to ` 2 crore for new NBFCs seeking grant of certificate of registration (CoR)
                      on or after 21 April 1999).

                      A  company  incorporated  under  the  Companies  Act  and  desirous  of  commencing  business  of  non-
                      banking financial institution as defined under Section 45–IA of the RBI Act, 1934 can apply to the RBI in
                      prescribed form along with necessary documents for registration. The RBI issues CoR after satisfying
                      itself that the conditions as enumerated in Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934 are satisfied.

                      However,  to  obviate  dual  regulation,  certain  categories  of  NBFCs  which  are  regulated  by  other
                      regulators  are  exempted  from  the  requirement  of  registration  with  RBI  viz.  Venture  Capital
                      Fund/Merchant  Banking  companies/Stock  Broking  Companies  registered  with  SEBI,  Insurance
                      Company holding a valid CoR issued by IRDA, Nidhi Companies as notified under Section 406 of the
                      Companies Act, 2013, Chit Companies as defined in clause (b) of Section 2 of the Chit Funds Act, 1982
                      or Housing Finance Companies regulated by National Housing Bank.

                      The RBI has issued directions to NBFCs on acceptance of public deposits, prudential norms like capital
                      adequacy, income recognition, asset classification, provision for bad and doubtful debts, risk exposure
                      norms and other measures to monitor the financial solvency and reporting by NBFCs.

                      Directions were also issued to auditors to report non-compliance with the RBI Act and regulations to
                      the Reserve Bank, Board of Directors and shareholders.

          QNO     Regulation of NBFCs – Case                                               Old Course – (N23M)
          514.600 TITANIUM CNO -- NBFC.040

                  Super Non-Bank Limited, a “Systemically Important Non-Deposit Taking Non-Banking Financial Company”,
                  was operating appropriately till the start of COVID-19 Pandemic. Due to unforeseen conditions during the
                  Pandemic  and  after  that,  the  operating  revenue  of  the  NBFC  started  decreasing.  Following  were  the
                  position of Net Owned Funds of the company during the last 4 financial years:

                                               Financial Year        Net Owned Funds
                                                  FY19-20               ₹ 15 Crore
                                                  FY20-21               ₹ 6 Crore
                                                  FY21-22               ₹ 4 Crore
                                                  FY22-23               ₹ 1.5 Crore

                  Super  Non-Bank  Limited  appointed  Mr  Shyam  as  their  statutory  auditor  for  the  FY  22-23.  Mr  Shyam
                  identified that the Net Owned Funds of  the company have been less than ₹ 2 Crore since June 2022.
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