Page 288 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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(ii)The  auditor  of  a  banking  company  is  also  required  to  state  in  the  report  the  matters  covered  by
                   Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013.

                     1.   Report on adequacy and operating effectiveness of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting in
                         case  of  banks  which  are  registered  as  companies  under  the  Companies  Act  in  terms  of  Section
                         143(3)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013 which is normally to be given as an Annexure to the main audit
                         report as per the Guidance Note  on Audit of  Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting
                         issued by the ICAI.
                     2.   Report on whether any serious irregularity was noticed in the working of the bank which requires
                         immediate attention (in accordance with sec 143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013.)
                     3.  As per reporting requirements cast through Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,
                         2014 the  auditor’s report shall also include  their views and comments on the following matters,

                       a)  Whether  the  bank  has  disclosed  the  impact,  if  any,  of  the  pending  litigations  on  its  financial
                          position in its financial statements.
                       b)  Whether the  bank  has made  provision, as required under the law or accounting standards, for
                          material foreseeable losses, if any, on long term contracts including derivative contracts.
                       c)  Whether  there  has  been  any  delay  in  transferring  amounts,  required  to  be  transferred  to  the
                          Investor Education and Protection Fund by the bank.

                   (iii) Reporting requirements relating to the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 are not applicable
                   to a banking company as defined in clause (c) of section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

          QNO     Areas of credit appraisals and credit monitoring                         old Course – (N23R)
          488.600 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                  CA. Sundaram is an engagement partner conducting a statutory audit of a nationalised bank. The bank
                  operates  on  the CBS  platform,  and the  identification  of  NPAs  is  system  based  in  accordance with  RBI
                  guidelines on asset classification. He wants to be assured of satisfactory operation of internal control in
                  this respect. He wants to be sure that there exists an internal control system in the bank which not only
                  prevents and reduces the risk of loan assets becoming non-performing at the initial stages but also sends
                  out timely signals to the bank subsequently. He is putting considerable importance on effective credit
                  appraisals due to their role in preventing NPA slippages. While carrying out a walk-through of internal
                  control over advances of banks especially in areas of “credit appraisals” and “credit monitoring”, identify
                  any four specific controls which you may be looking for.
          Answer    The following controls may be considered by auditor in areas of credit appraisals and credit monitoring
                    for  ensuring  that  internal  control  over  advances  is  effective  and  the  system  is  capable  of  not  only
                    preventing and reducing the risk of NPAs at the sanction stage itself but also sending out timely signals to
                    the bank subsequently.

                        (i)  Use of third-party data sources in the bank for comprehensive due diligence at the sanction
                             stage itself to mitigate risk on account of misrepresentation and fraud.

                        (ii)  Classification of accounts as special mentioned accounts (SMA) for early recognition of signs of
                             incipient stress resulting in default in timely servicing of debt obligations. It can enable banks to
                             initiate timely remedial actions to prevent potential slippages into NPAs.

                        (iii)  Institution  of  comprehensive,  automated  Early  Warning  Systems  (EWS)  in  banks  with  EWS
                             triggers to detect stress and reduce slippage into NPAs.

                        (iv)  Reporting of repayment behaviour of borrowers in their loan accounts to credit information
                             companies and inclusion of this information in the credit appraisal and decision-making process
                             for further sanctioning of loans to borrowers.

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