Page 278 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 278

advances to large corporates. Since last one year, many large accounts have become Non-Performing
                   Asset (NPA) as per guidelines. The Management of the Bank decided to sell one of the NPA account and
                   consequently one NPA namely DEF Ltd. amounting to Rs. 10.00 Crores was sold to Asset Reconstruction
                   Company. What audit points CA K should keep in mind while doing audit of this transaction?
                   During the bank audit AB & Co. a new Chartered Accountant firm, observed the sale/purchase of NPAs.
                   Please help them by narrating the aspects, relating to sale/purchase of NPAs, to be considered.
                   In the course of audit of Skip Bank Ltd., you found that the Bank had sold certain of its non-performing
                   assets. Draft the points of audit check that are very relevant to this area of checking.
          Answer      ➢  In case of a sale/ purchase of NPAs by the bank, the auditor should examine the policy laid down
                          by the Board of Directors in this regard relating to procedures, valuation and delegation of powers.

                           •  Sale
                              In case of sale of an NPA, the auditor should also ensure that:
                               •  only such NPA has been sold which has remained NPA in the books of the bank for at
                                   least 2 years.
                               •  the NPA has been sold at cash basis only.
                               •  the assets have been sold/ purchased “without recourse‟ only.
                               •  subsequent to the sale of the NPA, the bank does not assume any legal, operational or
                                   any other type of risk relating to the sold NPAs.
                               •  on the sale of the NPA, the same has been removed from the books of the account.
                               •  the short fall in the net book value has been charged to the profit and loss account.
                               •  where the sale is for a value higher than the NBV, no profit is recognised, and the excess
                                   provision has not been reversed but retained to meet the shortfall/ loss on account of
                                   sale of other non-performing financial assets.
                           •  Purchase
                              Similarly, in case of purchase of NPAs, the auditor should verify that:
                               •  the bank has not purchased an NPA which it had originally sold.
                               •  the NPA purchased has been subjected to the provisioning requirements appropriate to
                                   the classification status in the books of the purchasing bank.
                               •  any recovery in respect of an NPA purchased from other banks is first adjusted against
                                   its acquisition cost and only the recovered amount in excess of the acquisition cost has
                                   been recognised as profit.
                               •  for the purpose of capital adequacy, banks have assigned 100% risk weights to the NPAs
                                   purchased from other banks.

          QNO      (Income, CASE) Advances       Old Course – (M13E, SM17, PM17, M18M, M19M, N19R, M20R, SM21,
          458.010  TITANIUM CNO—Unique                                                           M21M, M23M)

                   In course of audit of Good Samaritan Bank as at 31st March 15 you observed the following:
                   In a particular account there was no recovery in the past 18 months. The bank has not applied the NPA
                   norms  as  well  as  income  recognition  norms  to  this  particular  account.  When  queried  the  bank

                   management  replied  that  this  account  was  guaranteed  by  the  central  government  and  hence  these
                   norms  were  not  applicable.  The  bank  has  not  invoked  the  guarantee.  Please  respond.  Would  your
                   answer be different if the advance is guaranteed by a State Government?
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                       ▪  Classification of Government Guaranteed Advances

                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                       ➢  If a government guaranteed advance becomes NPA, then for the purpose of income recognition,
                          interest on such advance should not to be taken to income unless interest is realized. However, for
                          purpose of asset classification, credit facility backed by Central Government Guarantee, though
                          overdue,  can  be  treated  as  NPA  only  when  the  Central  Government  repudiates  its  guarantee,
                          when invoked.

                   Part III – Case Discussion
                       ➢  In the above case, Since the bank has not revoked the guarantee, the question of repudiation does

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