Page 279 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 279

not arise. Hence the bank is correct to the extent of not applying the NPA norms for provisioning
                          purpose. But this exemption is not available in respect of income recognition norms. Hence the
                          income to the extent not recovered should be reversed. The situation would be different if the
                          advance  is  guaranteed  by  State  Government  because  this  exception  is  not  applicable  for  State
                          Government Guaranteed advances, where advance is to be considered NPA if it remains overdue
                          for more than 90 days .
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                       ➢  In  case  the  bank  has  not  invoked  the  Central  Government  Guarantee  though  the  amount  is
                          overdue for long, the reasoning for the same should be taken and duly reported in LFAR.

          QNO      Investment (Income, Mutual Fund)  Old Course--(N11R, N12M, N16R, SM17, PM17, N18R, N18M, SM21)
          458.020  TITANIUM CNO—UNIQUE                                                      New Course – (SM23)
                   Your firm has been appointed as Central Statutory Auditors of a Nationalised Bank. The Bank  follows
                   financial year as accounting year. State your views on the following issues which were brought to your
                   notice by your Audit Manager:

                   The bank has recognised on accrual basis income from dividends on securities and Units of Mutual Funds
                   held by it as at the end of financial year. The dividends on securities and Units of Mutual Funds were
                   declared after the end of financial year.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                       ▪  RBI Circulars

                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                       ➢  Interest on bonds and debentures
                          Banks  may  book  income  from  Government  Securities  and  bonds  and  debentures  of  corporate
                          bodies  on  accrual  basis,  where  interest  rates  on  these  instruments  are  pre-determined  and
                          provided interest is serviced regularly and is not in arrears.

                       ➢  Interest Income Guaranteed by Government
                          Banks  may  book  income  on  accrual  basis  on  securities  of  corporate  bodies/  public  sector
                          undertakings in respect of which the payment of interest and repayment of principal have been
                          guaranteed  by  the  Central  Government  or  a  State  Government,  provided  interest  is  serviced
                          regularly and as such is not in arrears.

                       ➢  Dividend income on shares
                          Banks may book income from dividend on shares of corporate bodies on accrual basis provided
                          dividend on the shares has been declared by the corporate body in its Annual General Meeting and
                          the owner's right to receive payment is established.

                       ➢  Dividend income on mutual funds
                          Banks may book income from units of mutual funds on cash basis.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                       ➢  The bank has recognised on accrual basis income from dividends on securities and Units of Mutual
                          Funds held by it as at the end of financial year. The dividends on securities and Units of Mutual
                          Funds were declared after the end of financial year.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                       ➢  Treatment given by bank is inappropriate, such dividend on mutual fund units

          QNO      (Audit)Advances            Old Course – (N8E, M11R, N12R, N14R, M16R, N16R, PM17, M18E, M19R,
          462.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.380                                                           SM21, N23M,)
                                                                                           New Course – (SM23)
                   As the concurrent auditor of Nagpur Main Branch of XYZ Bank Ltd. state the issues which have to be
                   considered in the audit of advances.

                   ABC Chartered Accountants have been appointed as concurrent auditors for the branches of Effective
                   Bank Ltd. for the year 2019-20. You are part of the audit team for Agra branch of the bank and have been
                   instructed  by your  senior to  verify the  advances  of  the  audit  period. You  are  required to guide your
                   assistant about the areas to be taken care while doing verification during the concurrent audit.

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