Page 280 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 280

Answer       ➢  Audit of Advances of a Bank:

                          The items to be covered in the current audit of advances of a bank are as follows-
                              •  Ensure that loans and advances are sanctioned properly.
                              •  Verify whether the sanctions are in accordance with the delegated authority.
                              •  Check whether letters of credit issued by the branch are within the delegated power and
                                 ensure that they are genuine trade transactions.
                              •  Verify the instances of exceeding delegate powers have been promptly reported.
                              •  Verify  the  frequency  and  geniuses  of  such  exercise  of  authority  beyond  to  delegated
                                 powers of the concerned officials.
                              •  Ensure  that  securities  and  documents  have  been  received  and  properly
                              •  Ensure that post disbursement supervision and follow up is proper
                              •  Verify whether there is any misuse of loans and advances and whether there are instances
                                 indicative of diversion of funds.
                              •  Verify the classifications of advances are as per RBI directions.
                              •  Ensure proper follow up of overdue bills of exchange.
                              •  Verify whether the submission of claims to DICGC and ECGC is in time.
                              •  Check bank guarantees issued are properly worked and recorded.
                   Authors Note
                   Question w.r.t Audit of Advances, ICS over advances and LFAR report over advances have similar points
                   So we have created a combined common answer and have arranged it in a logical sequence .
                   However original text has also been kept. Students can also read that if they want.
                   For common answer see after QNO 466.000

          QNO      Advances (ICS)                                                           Old Course – (M18R)
          465.000  TITANIUM CNO—UNIQUE
                   Advances generally constitute the major part of the assets of the bank. There are substantial number of
                   borrowers to whom variety of advances are granted. The audit of advances requires the major attention
                   from the auditors.

                   As an expert in bank audit, you are required to briefly discuss the area of focus and suggested audit
                   procedures regarding evaluation of internal controls over advances, substantive audit procedures and
                   recoverability of advances
          Answer       •  The  bank  should  make  advances  only  after  satisfying  itself  as  to  the  creditworthiness  of  the
                          borrowers and after obtaining sanction from the proper authorities of the bank.

                       •  All  the  necessary  documents  (e.g.,  agreements,  demand  promissory  notes,  letters  of
                          hypothecation, etc.) should be executed by the parties before advances are made.

                       •  Sufficient margin should be kept against securities taken to cover any decline in the value thereof
                          and to comply with Reserve Bank directives. Such margins should be determined by the proper
                          authorities of the bank as a general policy or after detailed scrutiny for specific accounts.

                       •  All the securities should be received and returned by responsible officer. They should be kept in
                          the Joint custody of two such officers.

                       •  All  securities  requiring  registration  should  be  registered  in  the  name  of  the  bank  or  otherwise
                          accompanied by the documents sufficient to give title of the bank.

                       •  All  accounts  should  be  kept  within  both  the  drawing  power  and  the  sanctioned  limit  as  per
                          prescribed norms. Additional temporary limit may be sanctioned, for a maximum of 20% of existing
                          limit and 90 days maximum tenure.

                       •  All the accounts which exceed the sanctioned limit or drawing power or are against unapproved
                          securities or are otherwise irregular should be brought to the notice of the Management/Head
                          Office regularly.

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