Page 281 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 281

•  The operation (in each advance account) should be reviewed at least once every year.

          QNO     Audit Procedure for revenue leakages                                     Old Course – (N23M)
          470.020 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                  CA X is conducting concurrent audit of a branch of MNB Bank (a nationalised bank) in industrial hub of
                  Pune. It is a CBS branch, and its advances are to the tune of about ₹ 500 crores. The branch has borrowers
                  / customers with cash credit, term loans, and export credit facilities, including pre - shipment and post
                  shipment credits. Some customers in the branch are importers who regularly get letters of credit issued to
                  foreign  suppliers.  During  tenure  of  Mr.  X  as  concurrent  auditor,  fresh  credit  facilities  under  aforesaid
                  segments are being sanctioned every month to new customers. The branch is also considering requests of
                  its existing customers for enhancements / fresh requirements in line with established norms. As a result
                  of  the  above,  the  staff  of  the  advances  department in  the  branch is  always  on its  toes. The  previous
                  regular inspection of the branch (not pertaining to CA X’s tenure) had pointed out huge revenue leakage
                  in advances of the branch, raising alarm bells in the Zonal Office and Inspection Department. Keeping in
                  view the above situation, CA X is taking steps to ensure that there is no revenue leakage in advances of
                  the branch and recoveries are made on the spot in case such leakages are detected. Discuss any five areas
                  in this regard where concurrent auditor’s audit procedures should be focused.
          Answer    The  major  areas  to  plug  revenue  leakage  where  concurrent  auditor  should  focus  audit  procedures
                    include: -
                        (i)  Verifying rates of interest as per terms of sanction in sanction letter vis-à-vis those fed in CBS as
                             well as the calculation of interest through product rate sheets generated by CBS to satisfy that
                             interest  has  been  charged  on  all  the  performing  accounts  and  interest  rates  charged  are  in
                             accordance with the bank’s internal regulations, directives of the RBI and agreements with the
                             respective borrowers.

                        (ii)  Verification of renewal charges in respect of existing customers enjoying cash credit and export
                             credit facilities. Similarly, for fresh borrowers, proposal processing charges, including upfront
                             fees for term loan, needs to be verified in accordance with Bank’s circulars to ensure that all
                             charges are debited at time of release of facilities to new customers. These charges also need to
                             be levied proportionately in respect of customers whose credit facilities have been enhanced.

                        (iii)  Verification  of  penal  charges  for  non-submission  of  stock  statements  on  due  dates  in  case
                             borrowers  availing  cash  credit  and  export  credit  facilities  consisting  of  pre-shipment  credit

                        (iv)  Verification of commission /charges in case of letter of credit has been issued to importers in
                             accordance with the Bank’s circulars.

                        (v)  As the branch has also granted export credit facilities in the nature of post  -shipment credit
                             facilities, verification of commission/charges on export bills purchased is required.

          QNO      Deposits-Window dressing                                                 Old  Course- (N22M)
          470.200  TITANIUM CNO—BA.500
                   You are part of engagement team conducting statutory audit of a branch of nationalized bank. During
                   the course of audit, it has come to your notice that there are large number of cash credit accounts in the
                   branch.  Many  of  the  cash  credit  accounts  are  only  partially  utilized  during  substantial  part  of  year.
                   However, in the month of March, the accounts are fully utilized. On further scrutiny, it is observed that
                   these account holders have made fixed deposits from these utilized amounts at the end of year. These
                   deposits  have  been  liquidated  in  first  week  of  April  of  next  financial  year.  Comment  upon  how  this
                   situation would be dealt by you as a statutory branch auditor?
          Answer    In the given case, many of the cash credit accounts in the branch of a nationalized bank are only partially
                    utilized during substantial part of year. However, in the month of March, the accounts are fully utilized.

                    On  further  scrutiny,  it  is  observed  that  these  account  holders  have  made  fixed  deposits  from  these
                    utilized amounts at the end of year. These deposits have been liquidated in first week of April of next
                    financial year.

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