Page 282 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 282

This is an example of window dressing. The branch is resorting to window dressing by artificially boosting
                    its advances and deposits. Utilization of advances and placing of fixed deposits at end of year in branch
                    and again liquidation of deposits early next year indicate that branch is resorting to window dressing to
                    inflate its advances as well as deposits artificially.

                     The auditor has to verify whether the unavailed portion of the credit facilities (overdraft, cash credit) are
                    used to boost the loans and deposits which might tantamount to window dressing.

                     The  relevant  regulatory  guidelines  also  prohibit  such type  of  practices  and  these might  involve  penal
                    action in terms of Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

                     The same  needs to be  suitably reported in audit report and commented in LFAR also. In appropriate
                    cases, making a suitable qualification in the main audit report has also to be considered

          QNO      Credit Card (ICS)         Old Course – (M04E, N09E, M15R, PM17, N19E, N20M, SM21, M22R, N22E)
          473.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.260                                                     New Course – (SM23)

                   How will you evaluate the Internal Control system in the area of Credit Card operations of a Bank?
                   You  have  been  appointed  as  an  auditor  of  LCO  Bank,  a  nationalized  bank.  LCO  Bank  also  deals  in

                   providing credit card facilities to its account holders. The bank is aware of the fact that there should be
                   strict control over storage and issue of credit cards. As an auditor of the bank, how will you evaluate the
                   Internal Control System with respect to Credit Card operations maintained byte LCO Bank?
          Answer       ➢  Credit Card Operations

                              •  Storage
                                 There should be strict control over storage and issue of cards.

                              •  Screening Before Issue
                                 There  should  be  effective  screening  of  applications  with  reasonably  good  credit

                              •  Available Card Limit
                                 There should be at system whereby a merchant confirms the status of unutilised limit of a
                                 credit-card holder from the bank before accepting the settlement in case the amount to
                                 be settled exceeds a specified percentage of the total limit of the card holder.

                              •  Settlement Confirmation
                                 There  should  be  a  system  of  prompt  reporting  by  the  merchants  of  all  settlements
                                 accepted by them through credit cards.

                              •  Reimbursement
                                 Reimbursement  to  merchants  should  be  made  only  after  verification  of  the  validity  of
                                 merchant’s acceptance of cards.

                              •  Charge to Customer
                                 All  the  reimbursement  (gross  of  commission)  should  be  immediately  charged  to  the
                                 customer’s account.

                              •  Statements
                                 There should be a system to ensure that statements are sent regularly and promptly to the

                              •  Monitoring
                                 There should be a system to monitor and follow-up customers‟ payments.
                                     •  There should be a system of periodic review of credit card holders‟ accounts. On
                                        this basis, the limits of customers may be revised, if necessary. The review should
                                        also include determination of doubtful amounts and the provisioning in respect
                                     •   Items overdue beyond a reasonable period should be identified and attended to

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