Page 283 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 283

carefully. Credit should be stopped by informing the merchants through periodic
                                        bulletins, as early as possible, to avoid increased losses.

                         Authors Note
                         Points are rearranged for ease of understanding and memorising

          QNO      SLR                                      Old Course – (PM17, M17R, SM17, N17M, M18M, SM21,)
          475.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.300                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   You have been appointed as a statutory central auditor of APNA Bank, a Nationalized bank. What special
                   points would be borne in mind while conducting the audit of compliance with "Statutory Liquidity Ratio"
                   (SLR) requirements?
          Answer       ➢  Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Requirements –
                          The Reserve Bank of India requires statutory central auditors of banks to verify the compliance

                          with SLR requirements of 12 odd dates in different months of a financial year not being Fridays.
                          The resultant report is to be sent to the top management of the bank and to the Reserve Bank.
                          The  report  of  the  statutory  auditors  in  relation  to  compliance  with  SLR  requirements  has  to
                          cover two aspects:
                              •  correctness of the compilation of DTL (Demand and Time Liabilities) position; and
                              •  maintenance of liquid assets.

                       ➢  Audit approach and procedure:
                              •  Obtain an understanding of the relevant circumstances of the RBI, particularly regarding
                                 composition of items of DTL.
                              •  Require the branch auditors to send their weekly trial balance as on Friday and these are
                                 consolidated  at  the  head  office.  Based  on  this  consolidation,  the  DTL  position  is
                                 determined for every reporting Friday. The statutory central auditor should request the
                                 branch  auditors  to  verify  the  correctness  of  the  trial  balances  relevant  to  the  dates
                                 selected by him. The branch auditors should also be specifically requested to examine the
                                 cash balance at the branch on the selected dates.
                              •  Review the relevant returns received from un-audited branches to identify any obvious
                                 errors or omissions or inconsistencies.
                              •  Examine, on a test basis, the consolidations regarding DTL position prepared by the bank
                                 with  reference  to  the  related  returns  received  from  branches.  The  auditor  should
                                 examine whether the valuation of securities done by the bank is in accordance with the
                                 guidelines prescribed by the RBI.
                              •  While examining the computation of DTL, specifically examine that the  following items
                                 have been excluded from liabilities-
                                     •  Part amounts of Recoveries from the borrowers in respect of debts considered
                                         bad and doubtful of recovery. (Recovery of Bad Debts is not a liability)
                                     •  Amounts  received  in  Indian  currency  against  import  bills  and  held  in  sundry
                                         deposits pending receipts of final rates. (Such money is not returnable hence not
                                     •  Un-adjusted  deposits/balances  lying  in  Link  branches  for  agency  business  like
                                         dividend warrants, interest warrants, refund of application money, etc., in respect
                                         of shares/debentures to the extent of payment made by other branches but not
                                         adjusted  by  the  link  branches.  (Link  branch  of  bank  deals  with  RBI  and  other
                                         Banks, if money is received by such branches but not yet used or adjusted)
                                     •  Margins held and kept in sundry deposits for funded facilities. (Money deposited
                                         in bank before giving loan)
                                     •  Similarly,  specifically  examine  that  the  following  items  have  been  included  in
                                         liabilities –
                                            o  Net  credit  balance  in  branch  adjustment  accounts  including  these
                                                relating to foreign branches.
                                            o  Interest  on  deposit  as  at  the  end  of  the  half  year  reversed  in  the
                                                beginning of the next half-year.
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