Page 284 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 284

o  Borrowings  from  abroad  by  banks  in  India  needs  to  be  considered  as
                                                ‘liabilities to other’ and thus, needs to be considered at gross level unlike
                                                ‘liabilities towards banking system in India’, which are permitted to be
                                                netted  off  against  ‘assets  towards  banking  system  in  India’.  Thus,  the
                                                adverse  balances  in  Nostro  Mirror  Account  needs  to  be  considered  as
                                                ‘Liabilities to other’
                                            o  The  reconciliation  of  Nostro  accounts  (with  Nostro  Mirror  Accounts)
                                                needs to be scrutinized carefully to analyze and ascertain if any inwards
                                                remittances are received on behalf of the customers / constituents of the
                                                bank and have remained unaccounted and / or any other debit (inward)
                                                entries have remained unaccounted and are pertaining to any liabilities
                                                for the bank.
                              •  Examine  whether  the  consolidations  prepared  by  the  bank  include  the  relevant
                                 information in respect of all the branches.
                              •   It may be noted that, even though interest accrues on a daily basis, it is recorded in the
                                 books  only  at  periodic  intervals.  Thus,  examine  whether  such  interest  accrued  but  not
                                 accounted for in books is included in the computation of DTL.
                              •  The  auditor  at  the  central  level  should  apply  the  audit  procedures  listed  above  to  the
                                 overall consolidation prepared for the bank as a whole. Where such procedure is followed,
                                 the central auditor should adequately describe the same in his report.
                              •  Test  check  the  relevant  records  maintained  by  the  bank  in  respect  of  investments  to
                                 verify the amount of approved securities held by the bank on the dates selected by him
                                 Examine whether the valuation of approved securities has been done by the bank is in
                                 accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the RBI.
                                     •  While reporting on compliance with SLR requirements, the auditor should specify
                                         the number of unaudited branches and state that he has relied on the returns
                                         received from the unaudited branches in forming his opinion.

          QNO      Concurrent Audit(Scope)-                         Old Course – (N06E, M09R, SM17, PM17, SM21)
          478.010  TITANIUM CNO—BA.680                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   Explain the scope of concurrent audit of a bank with reference to Reserve Bank of India guidelines.

          Answer       ➢  Scope of Concurrent Audit
                              •  The detailed scope of the concurrent audit should be clearly and uniformly determined for

                                 the Bank as a whole by the Banks Inspector and Audit Department in consultation with the
                                 Banks Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (ACB).
                              •  In determining the scope, importance should be given to checking high-risk transactions
                                 having large financial implications as opposed to transactions involving small amounts.
                              •  While the detailed scope of the concurrent audit may be determined and approved by the
                          Further, the guidelines issued by the RBI coverall the key areas of activities of the branch which is
                          under  concurrent  audit.  Most  banks  have  prepared  an  Audit  Manual  for  this  purpose.  Broadly
                          stated, the following areas are covered by these guidelines:

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