Page 286 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 286

•  Examine extension and cancellation of forward contracts for purchase and sale of foreign
                                 currency.  Ensure  that  they  are  duly  authorized  and  necessary  charges  have  been
                              •  Ensure that balances in Nostro accounts in different foreign currencies are within the limit
                                 as prescribed by the bank.
                              •  Ensure  that  the  overbought/oversold  position  maintained  in  different  currencies  is
                                 reasonable considering the foreign exchange operations.
                              •  Ensure  adherence  to  the  guidelines  issued  by  RBI/HO  of  the  bank  about  dealing  room
                              •  Ensure verification/reconciliation of Nostro and Vostro account transactions/ balances

          QNO      Verification of bills payable                                            Old Course – (N19M)
          483.050  TITANIUM CNO—BA.540
                   INDO Bank appointed your firm of Chartered Accountants as a branch auditor for the financial year 2018-
                   19. Being head-in-charge of the assignment, while planning, you distributed the work among your team

                   members and assigned Mr. Pary for verification of bills payable. However, Mr. Pary, being fresh to the
                   bank audits, needs your guidance. Kindly guide.
          Answer  Bills Payable: Evaluate the existence, effectiveness and continuity of internal controls over bills payable.
                   Such controls should usually include the following-

                       •  Drafts, mail transfers, traveller’s cheques, etc. should be made out in standard printed forms.
                       •  Unused forms relating to drafts, traveller’s cheques, etc. should be kept under the custody of a
                          responsible officer.
                       •  The  bank  should  have  a  reliable  private  code  known  only  to  the  responsible  officers  of  its
                          branches, coding and decoding of the telegrams should be done only by such officers.
                       •  All  the  telegraphic  transfers  and  demand  drafts  issued  by  a  branch  should  be  immediately
                          confirmed by advices to the branches concerned. On payment of these instruments, the paying
                          branch should send a debit advice to the originating branch.
                       •  The signatures on a demand draft should be checked by an officer with the specimen signature

                   Examine an appropriate sample of outstanding items comprised in bills payable accounts with the relevant
                   registers. Reasons for old outstanding debits in respect of drafts or other similar instruments paid without
                   advice should be ascertained.

                   Correspondence  with  other  branches  after  the  year-end  (e.g.,  responding  advices  received  from  other
                   branches, advices received from other branches in respect of drafts issued by the branch and paid by the
                   other branches without advice)should be examined specially in so far as large value items outstanding on
                   the balance sheet date are concerned.
                   Author’s Note

                   ICAI has taken answer of this question directly from module. Question is only about Bills payable but
                   unfortunately answer is a mixed bag covering bills payable, DD, and telegraphic transfer.

          QNO      Contingent Liability-                                  Old Course – (PM17, M17R, N19R, SM21)
          485.000  TITANIUM CNO—BA.560                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                   While auditing APNA Bank, you observed that a  lump sum amount has been disclosed as contingent
                   liability  collectively.  You  are,  therefore,  requested  by  the  management  to  guide  them  about  the
                   disclosure requirement of Contingent Liabilities for Banks. Kindly guide.
          Answer       ➢  Contingent Liabilities

                                •  Guarantees given on behalf of constituents
                                       •  In India
                                       •  Outside India
                                •  Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations
                                •  Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts.

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