Page 285 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 285

QNO      Verification of Balances (Foreign Country)                  Old Course – (PM17, N17R, M20M)
          479.000  UNIQUE
                   NAYASA Bank appointed your firm of Chartered Accountants as a branch auditor for the financial year
                   2016-17. Being head-in-charge of the assignment, while planning, you distributed the work among your
                   team members and assigned Mr. Hary for verification of  Balances in account  of  the bank situated in
                   foreign country. However, Mr. Hary, being fresh to the bank audits, needs your guidance. Kindly guide.
                   As an auditor of a nationalised bank, how would you verify the following?
                   Balances in account of a bank situated in a foreign country.
                   M/s CAS & Associates have been appointed as one of the statutory central auditors of FDMH Bank., for
                   the Financial Year 2019-20. During the course of the audit, the auditor found that the bank has a balance
                   with  a  Zurich  based  bank.  The  auditor  understands  that  such  balance  is  a  matter  of  important
                   consideration  in  the  audit  of  the  bank.  Being  head-in-charge  of  the  assignment,  while  planning,  you
                   distributed the work among your team members and assigned Mr. Ansh for verification of Balances in
                   account of the bank situated in foreign country. However, Mr. Ansh, being fresh to the bank audits,
                   needs your guidance. Kindly guide.
          Answer       ➢  Balances in Account of a Bank situated in a Foreign Country: The following procedure may be
                          followed while verifying balances in account of a bank situated in a foreign country-

                              •  Verify  the  ledger  balances  in  each  account  with  reference  to  the  bank  confirmation
                                 certificates and reconciliation statements as at the year-end.

                              •  Review the reconciliation statements and pay particular attention to the following.
                                     •  Examine that no debit for charges or credit for interest is outstanding and all the
                                         items  which  ought  to  have  been  taken  to  revenue  for  the  year  have  been  so
                                         taken.  This  should  be  particularly  observed  when  the  bills  collected,  etc.,  are
                                         credited  with  net  amount  and  entries  for  commission,  etc.  are  not  made
                                         separately in the statement of account.
                                     •  Examine that no cheque sent or received in clearing is outstanding. As per the
                                         practice prevalent among banks, any cheques returned unpaid are accounted for
                                         on the same day on which they were sent in clearing or on the following day.
                                     •  Examine that all bills or outstanding cheques sent for collection and outstanding
                                         as on the closing date have been credited subsequently.

                              •  Examine the large transactions in inter-bank accounts, particularly towards the year-end,
                                 to ensure that no transactions have been put through for window dressing.

                              •  Check original deposit receipts in respect of balances in deposit accounts in addition to
                                 confirmation certificates obtained from banks in respect of outstanding deposits.

                              •  Check whether these  balances  are  converted  into the Indian  currency  at the  exchange
                                 rates  prevailing  on  the  balance  sheet  date  and  ensure  compliance  with  relevant
                                 Accounting Standard.

          QNO      Foreign Exchange Transaction-                            Old Course – (N18E, N19E SM21, N21E)
          479.010  TITANIUM CNO—AOB.620                                                    New Course – (SM23)
                   You  are  the  Concurrent  Auditor  of  a  Branch  of  Nationalized  Bank  which  deals  in  foreign  exchange
                   transactions. Give focus areas of your checking in this respect.

                   You have been appointed as Concurrent Auditor of a nationalized bank branch. The main business at the
                   branch is dealing in foreign exchange. Suggest the main areas of coverage with regard to foreign
                   exchange transactions of the said branch under concurrent audit
          Answer       ➢  Focus Areas in case of Foreign Exchange Transactions:
                              •  Check foreign bills negotiated under letters of credit.

                              •  Check  FCNR  and  other  non-resident  accounts  whether  the  debits  and  credits  are
                                 permissible under rules.
                              •  Check whether inward/outward remittance have been properly accounted for.
                                                  PARAM                                                              14.16 | P a g e
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